Help Soil prep for next year?


Well-Known Member
First time growing outside. Anyone got any advice to prep soil for next year. Where I’m about to grow theirs grass so I’m guessing I would have to add compost, worm castings or topsoil? Looking to grow peppers and tomato’s
First step I'd say would be to cut the grass as short as possible, but leave the clippings on the ground. Then cover the area with a few layers of cardboard to kill the grass. Then cover that with 6-8" of compost and/or topsoil, followed by a deep layer of dead leaves for mulch. By spring it should be ready to start gardening in.
Mine I planted Rye and Red Clover.

Come Spring cut the Rye and Clover down, put bunch of Compost down and spread some Wood Ash, then till it in.
Before this morning I still had peppers growing.
So far this fall have added 20 bags of composted manure, buckets of sifted trim, bag of lobster chips, bag of chicken shit. I crush clam and scallop shells on the cement slope before my planting hill they get mixed in.
Next step is remove this seasons remains, and harvest the potatoes planted. I try to work the soil over warm days in winter with the exception of where potato is planted. A few times have found potato's where they were not expected. Sometimes interesting results.
I am hoping to grab ten more bags of composted manure before they get put away for winter.