HELP spider mite attack on a massive scale i am very worried


Active Member
got a large grow hydro and soil, and have just found that the hole place is covered in spider mites, webs the lot, i am in my 2nd week of flower, flowers just showing.

cum on guys am desperate ! getting thespray frm the hydro shop 2moz and the predetor mitesd on order for friday ! any ideas on good sprays or the best bugs ? ladybirds ? the room is verybig and i fear that ther may be a lot of the little bastards :cuss: war on the mites !

can i get rid of them al together ?
wot will kill the eggs ?
do i have to spray the walls and the floor ?


Well-Known Member
You can buy some stuff called Floramite. It sells on Ebay from a guy called Joe Chronic and it costs 20 bucks. Enough to make several spray bottles. It's really powerful shit. You need to wear a mask, gloves and goggles when you spray it. You can use it early in flowering.

Another route is you could go to BG Hydro and buy some Phytoseiulus Persimilis beneficial bugs. You spread these bugs around the plants and they will chomp the eggs and spider mites until they are gone. They cost 64 bucks and shipping. good luck.

Get a spray bottle and spritz them off with cold water, especially concentrate under the leaves. Do this after you have shut the lights off.


Well-Known Member
The best thing for mites is a predator. Let them loose in good numbers, fire & forget!
A lot of the chemical solutions can be awful to your bud if not applied correctly. For now if you have a wetting agent (surfactant) you can drown the adults wqith just plain water most of the time, but this wont stop them. It will buy you some time before you can locate a predator. Ive used red mites before & they were utterly vicious, cleared the plant in 2 days!
A friend is currently trying out the Mesoseuilus longipes & says they are the best so far, especially for indoor grow's with high humidity, high humidity & the 12/12 lighting can interfere with the predator mite & can actually kill it in some cases.if the predator doesnt suit your room, the try something called SB plant Invigorator. I dont like to spray anything on my bud's, but if i had to it would be this stuff.Great at killing the eggs, but will kill a predator too.;-) Ive seen the before & after with this stuff & wow! But i already drip Plant magic Essence once a fortnight on to my plants, so no room for that for me.

Clearing out the source of the mites on the other hand is a lot harder! They usually thrive in hot & dry conditions. Ive tried sulfur bombs & other fumigation methods, but nothing beat's a long period of cold & dark, then an attack with rubber gloves loads of bleach, disinfectant & a strong hoover.

GL & kill kill kill!


Active Member
Get some azotrol the stuff at my hydro store is called azomax i think buddies and the guy at the shop swear by it..i decided to try a new product called sucrashield not sure how it works yet(it was 20 compared to 50 for the azo plus the hydroguy said it was better than pyrethrum..well see though

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
great suggestions above. if you have another room that you can keep the plants in overnight, here's something you can do to take care of the grow-room. remove "everything" in the room that isn't necessary to the grow. (this is something that should have already been done.) all of the other equipment should be left in the room. make sure the temporary room has been cleaned and bug-bombed. immaculate the grow room completely! vacuum, wash etc. then, set off a bomb in there. use whatever sprays/methods you're going to use in the original room, in the temp room. (except for any predator type bugs.) on lights on the next day, put the plants back and release the predators.


Well-Known Member
Get some azotrol the stuff at my hydro store is called azomax i think buddies and the guy at the shop swear by it..i decided to try a new product called sucrashield not sure how it works yet(it was 20 compared to 50 for the azo plus the hydroguy said it was better than pyrethrum..well see though
LOL ive got a bottle of Azatrol somewhere that was given to me. Once i read about the precautions i Had to take personally whilst applying i decided against it!:-P Bloody expensive too, if i remember correctly, no wonder it was recommended so highly.


Active Member
right iv sprayed all them 2day and it didnt look good loads of webs and there everywhere took me 9 hours ( spliff brakes and thers a few ), sprayed them with "nite nite spider mite" has anybody used this ? will it work ?

i have the predetors on order for next week but i am going to spray again before i release them, can c02 kill them if i spray enough in ?

my plants are sat on carpet i have been told this is bad for havesting the mites, i dont want to rip it up but is it a must ? this has rely upset me nothing goes right when u bite of more than you can chew !


Well-Known Member
right iv sprayed all them 2day and it didnt look good loads of webs and there everywhere took me 9 hours ( spliff brakes and thers a few ), sprayed them with "nite nite spider mite" has anybody used this ? will it work ?

i have the predetors on order for next week but i am going to spray again before i release them, can c02 kill them if i spray enough in ?

my plants are sat on carpet i have been told this is bad for havesting the mites, i dont want to rip it up but is it a must ? this has rely upset me nothing goes right when u bite of more than you can chew !
the carpet is very bad news, co2 wont do shit to them either i dont think, probably make them horny instead, no idea about the nite nite thing but the name doesn't sound promising , but i'm not a Yank, products where im from dont usually do what they say on the tin. Maybe it work's, but as you are hoping to smoke the bud one day, id give the contents a good reading over. Most of the time the makers don't expect/care that you will be smoking their product. If you got webs everywhere , then you are in for one hell of a battle.
Do lots of reading about the predators you have purchased as they are vulnerable to certain situations that can occur in your grow room! Dont be stingy with them either think strength in numbers.Clear up time will be quicker. If you got a good camcorder, filming the massacre is good therapy for the near insanity you are about to experience trying to rid them for ever.
Stay strong.Dont let the little motherfucker's win.:peace:


Active Member
this doesnt sound good does the carpet need ripping up if it does i will ? anything to get rid of them


Well-Known Member
I read you can do a super high Co2 Dose I believe it is 3000ppm for 30 minutes, vent room and repeat 3 times

** Research before doing this tho I am not 100% on times and PPM