I am an outdoor organic grower. I have a BIG problem with using things that will either harm my plants, or effect flavor of buds by putting nasty crap or chemicals into the bud after all that hard work of organics.
To get around this problem for those times when bugs get bad, I use 'EcoSmart Organic Insecticide'. It uses Thyme oil, which is also very similar to the very effective Rosemary oil. Both are much better than neem, and it will simply make your garden smell of the actual herb for a few days, but it quickly fades. Being that you're in week 3, it will not create problems for you. You could probably use a half bottle to solve your problems and just soak them top & bottom (this will not burn at all), and then use the other half bottle in a week or two as maintainence. You prob don't want to use this past week 5 or 6, unless you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO, which you should def be prepared for.
I buy that EcoSmart for $11 a bottle @ Home Depot n it hooks right into my hose w/ a spray adapter. They have a smaller volume in it's own personal spray bottle for $6 or so, but I say the hose adapter will help you cover every square inch of your plant quickly, where the spray bottle will take time, precision, and even then you may miss some spots.
Good luck and hope you kill those fuckers off! =)