HELP! Stem Broke!


New Member
Ok so I have a one week old Girl Scout Cookie clone I got from a Cannabis Club. I had a small fan on it at a distance because the stem was thin and I was trying to build up the strength. Either the fan was blowing too hard or my kitten was playing with it and broke the stem. Either way I came back an hour or two later and the stem was completely broken off at the base of the plant! I'm so upset my first clone and a week in and it might already be dead!!! What should I do?!

In a panic I did some quick searching I found people saying you can use electrical tape, so I macgyvered some tape around the two broken pieces, put a chopstick in the pot for support, and then took some thread and wrapped it around the stick to keep the plant upright and supported on more than just tape. My main question is will this even work? I think my only other option would be to plant the broken top in a seperate pot and keep the bottom in the current pot and see if they re-grow or root. Which method gives me the highest survival rate? I want this baby to survive.

Here are some pictures so you can see what I mean, I added a pic of what it looked like before it broke as well


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Well-Known Member
completely broke in half? I think its fucked. make the top bit reroot in a plastic drink bottle. the bottom bit wont be any use anymore


I did that with my last grow although it was about 8" tall at the time but I accidentally broke the main stem in half. I propped it up like you did and let it heal. I took it all the way through flower with the others and it actually turned out ok. The plant stayed about half the size of the others but the whole plant was like one huge cola. I would let it go a week or so and it way heel up and bounce back or may die off but worth a try seeing what happens.