Help! The USA is killing us! Internet citizens say FU to hostile enemy


Well-Known Member

^^^^These are of the latest double middle finger salute from the ogre tyrant USA government and aimed straight at the Citizens of the Internet. Our homeland will not be ravaged like the sand countries of oil and oil pipelines. We will go to war! Internet was made by us, and a foreign enemy such as the United States SOPA & PIPA are not fucking permitted on our territory. As President of Internet, I send a hearty FUCK YOU to the hostile forces that lay seige to our peaceful Internet. I have already ordered my best military leaders to sabotage the rich information pipelines of Internet. Much of the precious United States web porn will be siphoned into a private Soviet super data bank and and then deleted. You will NEVER WANK AGAIN!!!!
Sincerely, President Internet



Well-Known Member
thats the trouble with empires.

i wonder if we are seeing the end of one or the start of one ("and to thunderous applause liberty dies", freedom sacrificed for safety. (stormtroopers on every corner and a secret police in every shadow, all to keep the population safe, even from themselves.)


Well-Known Member
It's not over, they are just going to wait for it to calm down and then reintroduce the bills renamed.


Well-Known Member
Here is a video featuring a fictional spokesperson of IllumiCorp. For those individuals that need graphical representation of what is really happening right now, this might help