help they're dying and I don't know why

Ok my plants are about three weeks old and until about 3 days ago were doing beautifully now all of a sudden within a 24 hour period 3 of them have went from perfectly healthy to limp and shriveled. Im talking the whole plant laying on its side not just the leaves. When I pulled them up to throw them out they didn't have much of a root system on them. I know the room itself and the lighting are correct I had a friend who grows set that up for me before he moved. I'm using organic potting soil with vermiculite and a small amount of bat guano. I have nutrients to use in the water when they get big enough but have not started using it yet. I only water every couple of days because the soil stays pretty moist. I don't saturate them with water. I still have 10 healthy plants for now but they could flop over anytime as well. Does anyone know what could be causing this?


Active Member
Were they grown from seed or clones? They should of already had a good root system. I have taken clones from my cloning box too soon and getting in a big hurry and not waiting till the roots were sticking out of the medium. They last for a couple of weeks then die with no roots.


just add a little superthrive its good for shit shrivling up and if that dont help lets figure it out togather