HELP!!! They're melting

So I have some plants that were looking awesome and are only 1.5 - 2 weeks away from harvesting and now the A/C in my place went out. It is almost 100 degrees in there now and the leaves are starting to curl like a redneck mustache. I put a window unit in there to try to help but its only knocking it down 5-7 degrees. Worst part is I'm running a 600w HPS the mother of all heat generators. ANY ADVICE??? Dry ice, ice in the reservoir, anything???


Well-Known Member
Do you have an intake and exhaust system in place in your area? With the temperatures your having only plausable way to drop temperatures significantly is through air conditioning. Fans will not cut it alone. You would have to have massive amounts of ice in your grow area which can also pose a problem it would jack the relative humidity up. Amount of dry ice needed to bring the temperature down to confortable temperatures would be too expensive. If you can afford it get your Ac fixed or replaced.
We're working on getting the A/C replaced its in an apartment so all I can do is raise hell till it's fixed this shit has been going on for three fucking weeks I'm so pissed. THANK GOD i got the mother moved to a buddys house.
oh and yes I have a 6" inline duct fan that was rated to replace the air every 3.5 minutes but if the air outside the box is 95 degrees it doesnt really matter


Well-Known Member
Get a bottle of water and freeze it then chuck it in the res. Actually get a few bottles and add 1 at a time as you dont want to freeze her roots completely. Put another fan in there, even if its little. Every little bit helps.


Well-Known Member
Cooling the res is a no brainer, cooling the air is more important right now. go get a bunch of ice and put it behind the fan that is blowing on the plant. I am guessing your ac will be fixed sometime today if that is the case leaving the 600 off for half the day is not going to hurt the plant. Think of the wild storms blow in and out and the plants might miss some time they are not going to die.

If you know it is getting fixed today just turn the 600 off, leave some type of lamp on for a little light but get the 600 off


Well-Known Member
Cooling the res is a no brainer, cooling the air is more important right now. go get a bunch of ice and put it behind the fan that is blowing on the plant. I am guessing your ac will be fixed sometime today if that is the case leaving the 600 off for half the day is not going to hurt the plant. Think of the wild storms blow in and out and the plants might miss some time they are not going to die.

If you know it is getting fixed today just turn the 600 off, leave some type of lamp on for a little light but get the 600 off
I disagree, i think its equally important to cool the res and air. If the res gets too hot root rot can set in and it can set in fast! Had a mate have some bad luck at his place and in 1 day of sweltering heat he got some major issues. So i took his plants off his hands (was his 1st grow) and nursed em back to life and each gave me roughly 10 ounces dried in the end. (long story short)

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
We're working on getting the A/C replaced its in an apartment so all I can do is raise hell till it's fixed this shit has been going on for three fucking weeks I'm so pissed. THANK GOD i got the mother moved to a buddys house.
damn thats crazy i had similiar things happen to me the ac wires fried flipping the breaker. and since they replaced the old wires with new wires they pulled to much energy to that area and surged the area and i guess they didnt know so then that made the meter box over heat and break a part. so my electricity was about for 5 days before i moved since ive had so many problems with the management. we could end the lease since it happened and we did. moved up the street to a nice place.

i like chrishydro's was of cooling with the ice and fan. maybe made a ice tube with ice bags or ice packs the way the fan is blowing and have it like 6 inches or something like ice ducting. the cfl idea is also good. would help a little.
Thanks guys this is all very good advice. This is my first grow and it was all going beautifully until now, worst part is my clones all fried super fast


also i rigged up a water storage tank with a pond pump to have extra water for the swap cooler AND I like to throw dry ice in the storage tank sometimes to create c02.... just leave the lid off :-)

JUST MAKE SURE YOU WATCH THE HUMIDITY WHEN USING A SWAMP COOLER!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH FOR MOLD!!!!!!!!!!!! i put a little bit of bleach in mine and it holds off the mold
I tried using dry ice before just for co2 production and it just seemed to be too fast and too expensive to get that much dry ice. I just got off the phone with the apartments earlier and they said they're gonna replace my entire a/c system TODAY so hopefully they're telling the truth. I have a window a/c unit in the room and three huge ass fans running in there.

And superstoner good advice i shut off the HPS and just threw some CFL's in there till its fixed and already noticed a huge difference.

Once again thank everyone for their contribution to my newb ass.

also i rigged up a water storage tank with a pond pump to have extra water for the swap cooler AND I like to throw dry ice in the storage tank sometimes to create c02.... just leave the lid off :-)

JUST MAKE SURE YOU WATCH THE HUMIDITY WHEN USING A SWAMP COOLER!!!!!!!!!!! WATCH FOR MOLD!!!!!!!!!!!! i put a little bit of bleach in mine and it holds off the mold