Help think it's hermied?


Active Member
I don’t see any signs. Just looks like it’s throwing out some fresh pistils as one last attempt to get pollinated to me.
What about the second picture? Looks like a seed sack to me ? Obviously I don't have a clue as it's my first plant but no other bit of bud has this on it ?


Well-Known Member
its really hard to tell with those pics. If its a male part you will eventually see definitive yellow nanners. If its a lone plant just leave it be and let it finish, the small amount of pollen generated by a few nanners is negligible and even if a few areas get the pollen it wont have much time to develop seeds. I say let it ride.


Well-Known Member
What about the second picture? Looks like a seed sack to me ? Obviously I don't have a clue as it's my first plant but no other bit of bud has this on it ?
That’s a calyx that just looks fat to me. When there is a seed inside of a calyx it will turn brown and then the calyx will split open and release the seed. It could be a pollinated calyx but I just don’t see any male parts in those pictures.