help! think my baby is dying. +rep


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have a 8 day old plant. 8 days from seed to now. Its about an inch out of the soil , has its starter rounded leaves and 2 baby fan leaves coming out. the fan leaf looking ones are only small and about 1/2 an inch or so.
Anyways, I dont know if its this fukin strain or not, but this is my second time with it, and it seems to stop growing at this hight... its been like 2 days and I havent seen any growth at all... this is the reason I shot the last one out, because it went like 5 days and didnt grow at all... I thought the last one was because I transplanted early to get it in some soil that doesnt compact as much, but now im starting to think its either something Im doing wrong, or its this strain of plant that sucks monkey balls.

I JUST gave it like 1/8th strength nutes today, just to give it a little cuz I thought that was whats wrong.
Any ideas? Am I just being impatient?

I was about to take a pic but my camera battery is garbage, ill post a pic in a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
oooh no...NO NUTES at this point. No nutes for several weeks. Overwatering is also a killer for seedlings.

Light water and light misting for seedlings.


Well-Known Member
oooh no...NO NUTES at this point. No nutes for several weeks. Overwatering is also a killer for seedlings.

Light water and light misting for seedlings.
Well , it is about a week old, I didnt give it much, only 1/8 of a teaspoon into 1L of water when full strength is an entire teaspoon or more.
Its in a dixie cup atm, I usually wait a day , sometimes 2 days, before I water, i check the soil , its usually pretty much dry about a half inch to an inch down.


Well-Known Member
oh and I mixed my own soil , its just peatmoss, perlite and vermiculite, so theres no nutes in the soil.


Well-Known Member nutes. Your little seedlings original 2 leaves contain the nutrients it needs to start life. A rule of thumb is not feed them nutes until those 2 leaves fall off.

Even a small dose can prove fatal. Good thing your not using time released nuted soil. Let it go until dry, then light water until it gets established.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt drench it just yet. A dixie cup is small so maybe a shot glass or two should be enough. Let the roots grow and seek out water. Its not going to seem like enough but just watch.
Thanks for the +rep


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt drench it just yet. A dixie cup is small so maybe a shot glass or two should be enough. Let the roots grow and seek out water. Its not going to seem like enough but just watch.
Thanks for the +rep
a couple shot glasses? u sure? the dixie cup is like 532ml or 18 oz


Well-Known Member
I have always disagreed with the amount of water generally suggested on these forums, for a few reasons...

Primarily because I think overwatering is more a result of too much time exposed to moisture rather than too much moister. Through my own personal experience and all of the videos I watched on youtube when I was learning to grow I realized that most watering involves soaking the soil then leaving it be. The key--and this is just my opinion based on personal experience--is to have really good drainage (ie big holes and perlite). With solid drainage you can really wet those babies down, just make sure not to be watering them too often.

I am a firm believer of watering as though you were 'flushing' every non-fertilized feeding...which should be every feeding for you because nutes with fresh seedlings are going to be more damaging than helpful, any nutes at all.

By no means am I an expert, but my experiences and watering methods have worked very well for me.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I have always disagreed with the amount of water generally suggested on these forums, for a few reasons...

Primarily because I think overwatering is more a result of too much time exposed to moisture rather than too much moister. Through my own personal experience and all of the videos I watched on youtube when I was learning to grow I realized that most watering involves soaking the soil then leaving it be. The key--and this is just my opinion based on personal experience--is to have really good drainage (ie big holes and perlite). With solid drainage you can really wet those babies down, just make sure not to be watering them too often.

I am a firm believer of watering as though you were 'flushing' every non-fertilized feeding...which should be every feeding for you because nutes with fresh seedlings are going to be more damaging than helpful, any nutes at all.

By no means am I an expert, but my experiences and watering methods have worked very well for me.

Hope this helps.
do u let the soil get completely dry before watering again, or like dry on top and gets moist about a half inch to an inch down?


Active Member
hey if you aren't supposed to give them nutes for that long, why does advanced nutrients web site tell differently???? Just wondering??? thanks