Help thrips and disease!


New Member
I have a plant that’s literally 5 months old and about 4 weeks into flower. It’s a pretty big plant and at this point I have a lot invested. It started showing signs of trauma. Mainly dark spots, almost purple, on the leaves and even a few wilted and dead and solid purple. I panicked! On further examination I found tons and tons of thrips down n the dirt. It doesn’t look like thrip damage but I do believe they are the carriers and cause of this problem. At this point the only thing I know to possibly save it is to transplant and wash the roots and everything really well and hope to salvage my grow. Anybody have any ideas or know exactly what the problem is I would b glad to hear it.


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I have a plant that’s literally 5 months old and about 4 weeks into flower. It’s a pretty big plant and at this point I have a lot invested. It started showing signs of trauma. Mainly dark spots, almost purple, on the leaves and even a few wilted and dead and solid purple. I panicked! On further examination I found tons and tons of thrips down n the dirt. It doesn’t look like thrip damage but I do believe they are the carriers and cause of this problem. At this point the only thing I know to possibly save it is to transplant and wash the roots and everything really well and hope to salvage my grow. Anybody have any ideas or know exactly what the problem is I would b glad to hear it.
Check out this blog from Seedsman, it should help with the pests. Blog %2354 %28Vq4aYc%29&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Seedsman Retail All&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJkZGF3c29uMTA4QGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsICJrbF9jb21wYW55X2lkIjogImJlTDdRYyJ9
I have a plant that’s literally 5 months old and about 4 weeks into flower. It’s a pretty big plant and at this point I have a lot invested. It started showing signs of trauma. Mainly dark spots, almost purple, on the leaves and even a few wilted and dead and solid purple. I panicked! On further examination I found tons and tons of thrips down n the dirt. It doesn’t look like thrip damage but I do believe they are the carriers and cause of this problem. At this point the only thing I know to possibly save it is to transplant and wash the roots and everything really well and hope to salvage my grow. Anybody have any ideas or know exactly what the problem is I would b glad to hear it.
Have you scoped the leaves topside and underside? Any pests?

A lot of thrips species drop to the soil to pupate, but they don't feed during this time. They're tiny, and though they can be seen with the naked eye on leaves, I think they would be tougher to see in the soil. If there was a large number of thrips in the soil in close proximity to each other (I have not seen this personally), than that would make them easier to spot I think.

Can you get a photo, as close up and as clear resolution as possible of the soil inhabitants that you found?
Have you scoped the leaves topside and underside? Any pests?

A lot of thrips species drop to the soil to pupate, but they don't feed during this time. They're tiny, and though they can be seen with the naked eye on leaves, I think they would be tougher to see in the soil. If there was a large number of thrips in the soil in close proximity to each other (I have not seen this personally), than that would make them easier to spot I think.

Can you get a photo, as close up and as clear resolution as possible of the soil inhabitants that you found?
i zoomed with my iPhone but they’re still not super clear but u can see kinda.. they’re super fast and if I try to touch one they jump really quickly and pretty high. That’s why I say thrips but I’m not entirely sure all my new young leaves are turning yellow and dropping. They’re oval and I can see they have two little white antennas. This close to harvest after taking care of her all this time I hate to not get it off because of something I can fix. I can transplant and put it in new dirt but not sure if that will fix my problem! So I’m stressing it! I have a magnifier I use to look at the trichomes so I’m gonna check all the leaves and I’ll post. Plus this plant was outside most of its life and I just recently brought it in with this going on and all the rain we’ve been getting so I can control the humidity and light. It’s not gettin worse and no more big dark spots, but it’s not gettin better either!


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I have a plant that’s literally 5 months old and about 4 weeks into flower. It’s a pretty big plant and at this point I have a lot invested. It started showing signs of trauma. Mainly dark spots, almost purple, on the leaves and even a few wilted and dead and solid purple. I panicked! On further examination I found tons and tons of thrips down n the dirt. It doesn’t look like thrip damage but I do believe they are the carriers and cause of this problem. At this point the only thing I know to possibly save it is to transplant and wash the roots and everything really well and hope to salvage my grow. Anybody have any ideas or know exactly what the problem is I would b glad to hear it.
Plus I have drenched the dirt in neem and a mixture of a lil dawn in water and it seems to reduce the number for a day or two but nothing is killing and getting rid of these bugs!
i zoomed with my iPhone but they’re still not super clear but u can see kinda.. they’re super fast and if I try to touch one they jump really quickly and pretty high. That’s why I say thrips but I’m not entirely sure all my new young leaves are turning yellow and dropping. They’re oval and I can see they have two little white antennas. This close to harvest after taking care of her all this time I hate to not get it off because of something I can fix. I can transplant and put it in new dirt but not sure if that will fix my problem! So I’m stressing it! I have a magnifier I use to look at the trichomes so I’m gonna check all the leaves and I’ll post. Plus this plant was outside most of its life and I just recently brought it in with this going on and all the rain we’ve been getting so I can control the humidity and light. It’s not gettin worse and no more big dark spots, but it’s not gettin better either!
What you are seeing and describing are more likely to be springtails than thrips.

Are you familiar with springtails?
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No not really but ur right I remember reading something about those now! last year I kept gettin thrips in my dirt so my mind just automatically went tot thrips but I will def familiarize myself with them now
No not really but ur right I remember reading something about those now! last year I kept gettin thrips in my dirt so my mind just automatically went tot thrips but I will def familiarize myself with them now
If you have thrips use Monterey Spinosad 1oz/gallon as a root drench each time you water. Gets rid of them and can be used through harvest.
If you have thrips use Monterey Spinosad 1oz/gallon as a root drench each time you water. Gets rid of them and can be used through harvest.
Thanks I appreciate the advice! I will definitely get some of that! Plus, now that I’ve been inspecting my dirt better I definitely have about 5 plants with springtails!