Help tiny white bugs n soil and few n bud tops?!?!


This is my first grow (Mrs. White) 2 weeks into flowering has come down with tiny white bugs n her soil and a few that are wedged down inside the buds.... what can i spray on her that wont be harmfull?


Well-Known Member
welcome to RIU noob, please dont use colors like that, it's unkind to some eyes, your not going to get as many replies that way either. Black is best.

What kind of bugs do you have¿ That matters.

Good Luck.


From all the research ive been doing id say they're spyder myte.... next week im gonna buy a microscope kit to for sher know ..... anyway they're tiny white almost a pale green and run really fast in and outta the soil and ive noticed today a couple are snuggled up next to my buds and they're like a dark color??? what can i spray to kill them how can i get rid ?? my baby's 2-3 weeks into flowering i'll try and get some pics up when i get outta class tonight


Well-Known Member
Look in the Plant Hospital category under the bugs section, there is nfo about Smites, I havent had them myself (thank christ) I just have to deal with gnats.
Anyhow waiting a week could cost you your grow, they are a VERY serious threat and can ruin a crop quick, I havent looked into it myself since I havent had that problem.
Sorry i cant be of more help.