HELP! tips like claws and maybe a potassium problem?


New Member
thats over fert flush by the looks of it ... and only feed ph'd water for a week or so other wise it will not recover


k bud i gave it water and hesi root complex to clean the roots of as it contains no n.p.k just trace elements of calcium and mag and boron and all them was that k as its for stressed plants and that and my mate advised me to use complex with water


i did a little flush as to where i got a little run of today so think ill go back tomoz n give them just water and get more of a run off, i thought it was potassium def?


Well-Known Member
Flush her out real good and feed only water for a week maybe 2. Over nuted a bit, not bad though.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Come on guys, ALL of the answers to this problem are in my post on page 1. DO NOT flush with calcium and magnesium DO NOT flush with sugar; as I stated if you want to add DEXTROSE which binds to salts NOT SUCROSE which will remain in medium and render beneficial salts useless in the future. DO NOT flush with pH'd water as it will make more nitrogen available to the plant (*Which is why you pH water in the first place). I stand by my original analysis and think the discoloration is due to pH change after the transplant (It will subside). The curling is not that bad, defnately not late stage eagle clawing. Follow the directions on page one and all will be well.-S0uP


so i have flushed them and the problem doesnt seem to be getting worse just older leaves look worse but i have put that down to the problem, so iam nnearly two weeks in to 12/12 and i can see the white hedghogs are on there way so gonna give one more good feed of water then easing on nutes, can any one tell me if i dont run into any more problems in next week or two will my yield be fine, iam gonna be using canna bio flores for the first feed at half strength with fruit rot juice then the next week use cal/mag at 1/4 strenght canna bioflores with bio boost, the reason for the little cal/mag is to put the green back in the leaves after i no the problem hasnt returned. after that feed just use canna bio boost and bio flores and in week 4 use pk13/14 at 1/4 strenght for one feed and again in week 6-7 then use final bloom for week 7 and then weeks 8-9 flush, does this sound k as that is just my guide of nutes of course things mite change as the plants might want and need before i come to use certain nutes, ANY INFO IS GREATLY NEEDED, PEACE


I will post sum pictures at the weekend for use to have a look at and keep me on the right path as use have put time in to my thread so its the least i can do....


New Member
yeah i think you had nitro toxicity they looked to have been clawing the flush should help if they look better when they dry feed nute's a a veeeeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyy small amount then work up from there if they don't show sign's of full recovery flush again to be sure would be shhitty if it creeped back


cheers and yeah thats why iam doing another feed with water then easing on nutes for flowers... ill put some pictures up on saturday so take a look then bud


hate to say it but they are still getting worse on the top leaves and the bottom seem to have stoped is this normal all ive done is flush and flush and watered anyone


i think your right as there gerrin worse the tops and not the bottom now after i flushed so i have took any infectect leaf off they look bare but they look better for it and now iam feeding nutes at low level and working my way up as they will of being nute locked so there lacking nutes so hopefully ill pull if a oz a plant as the situation was bad and still is to be honest so ill know more in 4 weeks time as there in full flower now


New Member
toxcity's are pretty hard to overcome im afraid one of my plant's had a nitro toxcity before i fed it nothing but ph'd water for around 3 weeks and it was ok again but it put me back in time so i cut them way early and the buds never filled into colas but you can over come this with time and nothing but straight ph'd water .6.5 for soil 5.8 coco hope they snap back . peace


Active Member
Sugar does work.

It will bind with Nitrogen.

Molasses binds with everything.

I've seen claw leaves straighten out within hours using sugar.

If your flushing like crazy..your going to run into other nute problems. Washing nutes away.

Recent pics please ...


New Member
im suffering from cal problems it sucks im just carrying on feeding as normal .. see what happens as for the clawing ide keep flushing maybe add some sugar like that guy said when i had the claw last round i flushed for/fed straight water for a good couple of weeks before it went away