Help TMV Possibly

Doesn't look at all like TMV. TMV causes little raised bumps on the leaf surface and is considered a bit of a myth in the cannabis culture. I thought I had it years back but after Googling pictures of it on tomato plants figured it wasn't TMV at all.

I have smoked home grown tobacco and cured leaf tobacco for years and always made a point of washing my hands before touching my plants just in case. If the tobacco had of been infected I'm sure my plants would have got it from the particles and tobacco dust on my clothing etc. All I have to do is say the word 'Mite' near my plants and they get mites dammit. :)

Leaves sometimes have those variegations and usually grow out of it. Doesn't hurt anything. I have a seedling now like that.

Thank's Monsanto. I have had this happen before but it was minor. I started reading TOO MUCH and getting Paranoid . Probably the weed I was smoking. LOL !!!

I have had the dreaded Fungus Gnat's twice and they really screw things up. I don't care what anyone say's they are very hard to control once you get them. Thank god they are long gone.
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Thank's Monsanto. I have had this happen before but it was minor. I started reading TOO MUCH and getting Paranoid . Probably the weed I was smoking. LOL !!!

I have had the dreaded Fungus Gnat's twice and they really screw things up. I don't care what anyone say's they are very hard to control once you get them. Thank god they are long gone.

I'd much rather have fungus gnats than mites any day tho they can be a PITA too. Had them years ago and found out they were breeding in the sump under the stairs that was open to the grow room. I made a cover with filtered vents and a window so I could see the sump and never had problems with them again. All the air coming into the room now is thru those vents and a cool temp so I never need AC.

Those vents have window screen on the back but it's not fine enough to keep the gnats out so I have anti-static wipes over that to keep everything out. I've since added two more vents for better airflow too. Got to find more of those wipes too. Changed them as little air was getting thru as they were covered with fine dust after 5 years. The window is tablecloth plastic I got at the local hardware store. Real thick and clear like glass. A little duct tape to hold it on from the back.
