Help to heal my brother, who was possibly poisoned.

Coz the Shroom

Active Member
My brother monk has had severe chronic brachycardia for a 4 or 5 years and no doctors could diagnose or remedy it. He told me he first had his first heart attack when a person convinced him to take 5 grams of RSO. This person is known to have killed to have killed her husband and has been rumored to have killed other men she was involved with by poisoning. Many people grow oleander around here. Doubtlessly many suicides are caused by it and more than one Person I have met has accused another person or murdering people with it. If he survived a lethal dose of Oleander, would he have long term effects, such as chronic brachycardia? Search engines are so useless for actually learning anuything on your own that I am forced to ask and I know there may be herbalists around here with knowledge, so I ask; can Oldeander permanently damage the heart or cause long term effects? If so, is there any known way to reverse chronic brachycardia? Are there other common poisons that can make death appear like a heart attack that DO cause chronic heart problems? Can this be revrsed?
He needs to see a cardiologist.
He's been. Nobody can help him. Nobody knows why he has chronic brachycardia. The doctors around here are very bad. Hospitaals and doctors are especially negligent of practicing medicin responsably whn dealing with Apaches and other Natives. I was present when he was given two medications that I was fairly sure would interact badly and cause seratonin syndrome. When we returned from the hospital informed me that those medications do indeed interact and cause serotonin sydrome and that affected him for several weeks. Another rerason he is hard for even compotent and compassionate physician to diagnose is that half of his body, including his brains and many hormone producing glads, was crushed when he was a youth and extensive and experimental reconstructive surgery was needed to save his life. The only way they could afford the surgery was to accept fairly experimental things. He is now almost 50 and has other issues due to the way his body has grown around the steel skeleton they grafted to his skull and bones. This, could also be cutting off the signals to his heart from his peripheral nervous system. But when he told me he had a heart attack after taking 5 grams of RSO and being told to "finish the whole thiong" by a rumored black widow who has been convicted of killing one husband, some dots connected. I merely want to know if oleander or other medicines that can make your death look like a heart attack, can present chronic health problems when you survive a lethal dose of them. This area is a backwater where a lot of people cover up crimes or fail to test symptoms properly.
This has been 4 or 5 years, he's been to doctors all over the state. Nothing anyone else can do, but it would still be very helpful to know if he was poisoned, since that happens here, doctors sometimes even help cover it up. So what I am seeking is only some very bassic information, which google could have provided me quickly 20 years ago. Does oldeander cause long term damage to the heart?
Whatever is to be done with that knowledge is likely to be done at a Doctor's office anyway, but nobody has been able to diagnose him. Maybe if I find out that oldeander has long term effects if you survive a high dose, and he then speaks to a doctor and tells him he thinks he might be suffering from that, the doctor will maybe be able to diagnose and treat him.
This is not a question that seeks health advice and therefore must be answered according to protocols that protect this website from legal liability. This a question: yes or no, does oldeander poisoning cause long term cardiac effects? All pertinent information will be dealt with through the appropriate channels.
20 years ago I had search engines and abundant information (and misinformation) to look through, forums have always had a great deal of expertise. However, I'm trying out chatGPT and so now I have my answer.


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He's been. Nobody can help him. Nobody knows why he has chronic brachycardia. The doctors around here are very bad. Hospitaals and doctors are especially negligent of practicing medicin responsably whn dealing with Apaches and other Natives. I was present when he was given two medications that I was fairly sure would interact badly and cause seratonin syndrome. When we returned from the hospital informed me that those medications do indeed interact and cause serotonin sydrome and that affected him for several weeks. Another rerason he is hard for even compotent and compassionate physician to diagnose is that half of his body, including his brains and many hormone producing glads, was crushed when he was a youth and extensive and experimental reconstructive surgery was needed to save his life. The only way they could afford the surgery was to accept fairly experimental things. He is now almost 50 and has other issues due to the way his body has grown around the steel skeleton they grafted to his skull and bones. This, could also be cutting off the signals to his heart from his peripheral nervous system. But when he told me he had a heart attack after taking 5 grams of RSO and being told to "finish the whole thiong" by a rumored black widow who has been convicted of killing one husband, some dots connected. I merely want to know if oleander or other medicines that can make your death look like a heart attack, can present chronic health problems when you survive a lethal dose of them. This area is a backwater where a lot of people cover up crimes or fail to test symptoms properly.
RSO and the heart attack were coincidental, unless he was totally freaking out and having a manic episode. Finding the cause of bradycardia is usually not that difficult and all they have to do is put a cardiac pacer in to treat it. Have no idea whether oleander can make a death look like a heart attack but that's not the issue, until he's dead. If he's asymptomatic and a low heart rate is his only issue, it's really not that big a deal.

Can't speak to any bias against the Apaches where you are but here in the Blue Ridge moutains where I am, discrimination against the Cherokee in medical matters is not an issue, at all. Now in other situations besides medical issues, it's a totally different story, obviously.
Now a doctor, knowing what to look for, if that doctor is honest and not prejudiced against natives, and find out if he was poisoned and give him the proper medication to recover after 5 years for needlessly suffering. This is a small town that covers up a lot of things, he's been all over the state seeing doctors, though, including our largest city Albuquerque. I've seen doctors give him shit that caused serotonin syndrome with my own eyes.
RSO and the heart attack were coincidental, unless he was totally freaking out and having a manic episode. Finding the cause of bradycardia is usually not that difficult and all they have to do is put a cardiac pacer in to treat it. Have no idea whether oleander can make a death look like a heart attack but that's not the issue, until he's dead. If he's asymptomatic and a low heart rate is his only issue, it's really not that big a deal.

Can't speak to any bias against the Apaches where you are but here in the Blue Ridge moutains where I am, discrimination against the Cherokee in medical matters is not an issue, at all. Now in other situations besides medical issues, it's a totally different story, obviously.
Oleander can cause death and make it look like a heart attack. I already knew that. he lived with a woman who has killed one husband (don't know how) and has been rumored to have poisoned many others). My question was already answered by chatGPT so maybe instead of going retro internet I should just pony up whatever it costs to get "tokens" and just move on to internet v3. Thank you for your insightful answers.Screenshot_2023-11-11_08-38-42.png
RSO and the heart attack were coincidental, unless he was totally freaking out and having a manic episode. Finding the cause of bradycardia is usually not that difficult and all they have to do is put a cardiac pacer in to treat it. Have no idea whether oleander can make a death look like a heart attack but that's not the issue, until he's dead. If he's asymptomatic and a low heart rate is his only issue, it's really not that big a deal.

Can't speak to any bias against the Apaches where you are but here in the Blue Ridge moutains where I am, discrimination against the Cherokee in medical matters is not an issue, at all. Now in other situations besides medical issues, it's a totally different story, obviously.
Oleander can be used to poison anyone and make it look like a heart attack and a lethal amount, if you know how to extract it can easily be put in 5 grams of RSO and not noticed. I already knew this. I drove many people to the rez when I was a cab driver, I've seen covid hit the rez and kill five times as many people off the rez and had credible witnesses tell me that they released Apaches from jail or prison when they had covid, but not other ehtnic groups in prison. Arizona may be lovely for Natives, the Mescalero Apache are still being treated like their lives have no values and causing them death or injury will have no consequences by many people here in New Mexico and in many places.
He's been. Nobody can help him. Nobody knows why he has chronic brachycardia. The doctors around here are very bad. Hospitaals and doctors are especially negligent of practicing medicin responsably whn dealing with Apaches and other Natives. I was present when he was given two medications that I was fairly sure would interact badly and cause seratonin syndrome. When we returned from the hospital informed me that those medications do indeed interact and cause serotonin sydrome and that affected him for several weeks. Another rerason he is hard for even compotent and compassionate physician to diagnose is that half of his body, including his brains and many hormone producing glads, was crushed when he was a youth and extensive and experimental reconstructive surgery was needed to save his life. The only way they could afford the surgery was to accept fairly experimental things. He is now almost 50 and has other issues due to the way his body has grown around the steel skeleton they grafted to his skull and bones. This, could also be cutting off the signals to his heart from his peripheral nervous system. But when he told me he had a heart attack after taking 5 grams of RSO and being told to "finish the whole thiong" by a rumored black widow who has been convicted of killing one husband, some dots connected. I merely want to know if oleander or other medicines that can make your death look like a heart attack, can present chronic health problems when you survive a lethal dose of them. This area is a backwater where a lot of people cover up crimes or fail to test symptoms properly.

Find a MaxLiving Chiropractic center. When, normal medical doctors fail, look to the holistic.

Scratch that. Start with Chiros first, then go to docs, when the chiro can't help.