lol I quit...after 40 years... nothing happened but Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and

Part of the problem with buying organic from a store is that they wash it with chlorinated town water which removes the beneficial microbes. If I buy vegetables I’m looking for a bit of dirt on them, as a sign of quality/freshness.

My salad tends to come from the yard, and mostly from wild plants. Its not so much about the nutrition or the fibre, its about the microbes and our symbiotic relationship with them.

There is a reason why our food and our medicine is to come from nature.
My buddy is particular about buying eggs. If there isn't some dirt, shit or a feather here and there on them, then he won't buy em.
Interestingly enough because they are washed is also why they are refrigerated in America, it washes off an outer coating and if it weren't for that you could safely keep them on the counter in a basket for a long time.
I've only found one farm in the area for vegetables (true organic ones) and the same for beef. The beef is, however, fed some store bought supposedly organic feed which sort of seems like it's not when you eat the meat but I have yet to come across better. The vegetables are 100% organic and I can really tell the difference when I eat them. For me it's not just a fad, it's every single day because when I slip up and eat non-organic stuff all the aches and pains begin to return. Some of those aches and pains can wake me in the middle of the night in agony.
I am all about nice organic stuff, I grow a lot of vegetables and prize my plants in my greenhouse, although I will say I much prefer beef when it has been grain fed to grass fed. I find the marbling and texture and taste to be better personally. (although you can still have nice organic beef that is grain fed, just don't spray pesticides and chem ferts all over the grain)
I am all about nice organic stuff, I grow a lot of vegetables and prize my plants in my greenhouse, although I will say I much prefer beef when it has been grain fed to grass fed. I find the marbling and texture and taste to be better personally. (although you can still have nice organic beef that is grain fed, just don't spray pesticides and chem ferts all over the grain)
Yes the grain adds some nice fat to otherwise very lean beef... kinda like deer are a little gamy unless they've been picking farmers fields. The leaner the meat the less flavor but I could personally do without the chemical effects myself. I would prefer grass fed to chemical grain just for health reasons but you can't have it all I suppose. A nice field of organically fertilized grass would probably rival any grain fed meat on the market. Hopefully more people will become "aware" of the problem and it will become easier to feed oneself without becoming ill.

I wish you worked for the USDA :)
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What a thread derail. Since we are on the subject I don’t wash my eggs either. I do check them for freshness before I crack them (float test). Try that with eggs from the store and half will fail.

My beef only comes direct from farmers that grow their own feed (pasture, hay, silage, etc). The key with beef, if you want to be able to digest it properly anyways, is to make sure it aged on a hook for 3 or 4 weeks. The bright red stuff is just plain wrong no matter what it was fed.
Sorry... it sort of does have to do with quitting cannabis as some people were complaining about aches and pains.

While on the subject though I must say the hardest thing for me to find is good organic bread. That's probably where I'm picking up my chemical effects because I eat a lot of hamburgers and bread is kneaded into the meat as well as the bun. I've been stuck with Dave's organic bread where I live (please open a good organic baker near me... amen) and like I said before all the stuff that comes from the stores is bogus. I think the government standard is too low... it's basically just a $7000 license to sell organic if that is the case.
Poor Lizzo must be suffering from metal issue to begin with :(:idea:

Liz Benton recently quit weed after smoking it at least once a day for seven years — and the first week was especially brutal. Within two days of quitting, she experienced a panic attack. She struggled to fall asleep, and when she did, she’d have horrifying nightmares, or wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat.
“My anxiety was through the roof,” Benton — a 33-year-old Oakland resident — recalls of her experience five years ago. Her head throbbed with a dull, persistent ache, and her stomach felt queasy. She couldn’t bring herself to eat. Her symptoms finally subsided roughly three weeks later, but it took a full month for her to feel like her normal self again.
Benton may have been experiencing cannabis withdrawal syndrome, which medical professionals are only beginning to understand. In fact, it didn’t appear in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) — the psychiatry “bible,” used to diagnose mental health issues — until the release of the most recent edition of the DSM in 2013. According to this edition, the DSM-5, signs of cannabis withdrawal can include anxiety, depressed mood, irritability, lowered appetite, difficulty sleeping, restlessness, and various uncomfortable physical symptoms.
“Typically this happens in chronic or heavy cannabis users” — those who imbibe every day, says Yu-Fung Lin, an associate professor at the University of California, Davis who teaches a course on the physiology of cannabis.

Unlike alcohol withdrawal, which can be deadly, cannabis withdrawal isn’t life-threatening, says Timothy Fong, a professor of psychiatry who helps lead the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative. Nonetheless, “it can be debilitating, and can create a lot of physical and emotional suffering.”

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Cannabis withdrawal syndrome can be triggered by not only quitting weed altogether, but also significantly decreasing your use of it. The minimum reduction needed to cause withdrawal varies from person to person, though, reflecting our individual biological differences, Fong says.
When you heavily use cannabis, you drastically increase the levels of the high-inducing compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your bloodstream. To restore balance, your body alters its natural levels of THC receptors, as well as neurochemicals like serotonin and adrenaline. Removing cannabis (or drastically reducing your intake of it) throws off this balance, which your body has to restore by once again altering THC receptor and neurochemical levels.
“When you’re in a state of withdrawal… your body is working hard to get to normal function,” Fong tells Mic. “It’s such a stress on the body” — which explains why it feels like death. Abnormal serotonin levels can lead to nausea, for example.
If you’re a heavy, chronic cannabis user, you might begin to notice withdrawal symptoms roughly a day after you last used weed, Lin says (although Fong has seen symptoms emerge as early as a few hours later). They usually peak one to four days after the last use and gradually dissipate in a few weeks’ time. Benton’s experience fit this description. “By day three or four is when I really started to feel it,” she recalls.
But this timeline, as well as particulars about the onset and duration of certain symptoms, again, differs from one person to the next. Basically, “this is a really individual and unique experience,” Fong says. For instance, just because your friend’s muscles began aching within four days of quitting doesn’t necessarily mean that’ll be the case for you. And not everyone who quits cannabis, or drastically reduces their consumption of it, experiences withdrawal. One recent study of heavy cannabis users found that about 12% did so.

More about the risk factors for withdrawal: While this is an area where we definitely need a lot more science, Fong says, we can surmise is that “if you do high potency [that is, high-THC] products several times per day, that’s probably going to set you up for a higher likelihood of withdrawal.”
But frequency seems to be more important than potency; Lin notes that consuming weed every day, even at low doses of THC, can result in the biochemical changes that might, in turn, lead to withdrawal. Health issues like a lack of sleep, dehydration, and poor nutrition can render you even more vulnerable to the stress of restoring normal body function, Fong notes.

Retno Ayu Adiati / EyeEm/EyeEm/Getty Images
Fong says he isn’t aware of any risk factors associated with specific types of cannabis products. Your risk might increase if you smoke high-potency concentrates like wax or shatter, but again, only if you do so every day. The same goes for edibles, although most of the patients he and his colleagues see at the UCLA Addiction Medicine Clinic aren’t pounding edibles on the daily.
If you think you’re experiencing cannabis withdrawal syndrome, Fong suggests asking your doctor to connect you to an addiction professional, who can give you anxiety medications and other interventions to help alleviate your symptoms. If you don’t have insurance, or your plan doesn’t cover addiction treatment, look for no-cost, publicly-funded or nonprofit treatment programs, or medical clinics.
Benton didn’t receive addiction treatment, but she found relief in anxiety-reducing strategies, like listening to a meditation app, and taking a cold shower, which helped still her racing mind and ground her in the present.
Quitting weed has its upsides, though. The moment you stop using it on a regular basis, your body starts reverting back to what it used be before you started smoking weed, Fong says. And if you struggle with cannabis addiction, or you want to quit for other reasons, getting through withdrawal is the first step to foregoing cannabis for good.

While it might seem intuitive that quitting smoking weed would restore your lung function, it may actually result in little, if any, respiratory benefits. Tobacco and nicotine are clearly terrible for your lungs, but whether the same holds true for cannabis is still up for debate, Fong says. (Vaping cannabis can lead to lung injury, but because of other stuff in e-juice, not THC.)
After her withdrawal symptoms faded, Benton found that she had more energy for exercise and other activities than she did when she was still smoking weed. She ate and slept more consistently, too.
The biggest benefits of quitting, though, were mental and emotional. Her mind felt clearer, and she renewed her commitment to therapy. She realized how heavily she had relied on weed to self-medicate her anxiety. “I was forced to address other things in my mental health because I couldn’t use it as a crutch anymore,” she says. Cannabis withdrawal sucks, but you can survive it, and you may even gain a few powerful insights about yourself along the way.

I'm a stoner, and it's too early in the morning, but let's try a math problem:

"I quit after 40 years....."
Benton — a 33-year-old Oakland resident
recalls of her experience five years ago

Again, I'm a stoner (although I didn't wake & bake today - stuff to do this morning)

But I'm pretty sure that "Benton", did not start using weed 12 years before she was born.....or that's HARDCORE! :eyesmoke:
The reason she started having anxiety is because she stopped taking her anti-anxiety medicine . . . Cannabis.
Cannabis is a life enhancing drug that provides relief from a long list of "conditions" currently defined by big phama as treatable by THEIR medications. Because cannabis is schedule 1 and doesn't come from one of their pharma cronies, it allows them to publish crap like this and not consider themselves liars when they look in the mirror.

The most dangerous side effect of cannabis is getting caught with it and punished by the police state which hasn't figured out a way to profit from it yet.

Link to the original article @gb123 ?
Funny thing is... it can give you anxiety also... like it does me.
a friend of mine also experienced these nightly sweating attacks (living together back then I saw both him + the towel...) but I suspect it varies individually.
reason I suspect is the endocannabinoid system is more modulativ towards the other receptor systems (GABA, NMDA et al). at least, thats what I could learn from some journals on pharmacy...

poor Liz should try a hard stop of Benzodiazepine s and see "how death feels" [sic!]
Or opiates.
Sorry... it sort of does have to do with quitting cannabis as some people were complaining about aches and pains.

While on the subject though I must say the hardest thing for me to find is good organic bread. That's probably where I'm picking up my chemical effects because I eat a lot of hamburgers and bread is kneaded into the meat as well as the bun. I've been stuck with Dave's organic bread where I live (please open a good organic baker near me... amen) and like I said before all the stuff that comes from the stores is bogus. I think the government standard is too low... it's basically just a $7000 license to sell organic if that is the case.

It is a subject worth talking about. Of course it matters how clean our food (and medicine) is.

With all the preservatives and gmo wheat in bread these days I tend to eat more oats, barley, rye, rice, etc. Sometimes I bake bread but tbh it takes up alot of time. I’d prefer my burger on a bed of whole grain rice all covered in gravy.

I do know people who own countertop flour mills, they purchase organic wheat by the bushel and grind it at home. Also a mill I know that produces organic flour ships their products.

Lately I’ve been eating fermented weed cob and it has had amazing effects on my digestion. It looks like the old brickweed, I grind a little into my oats in the morning and I can feel it all day. The fermentation decarbs it.
"Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity, or substance, even though it is causing psychological and physical harm. The term addiction does not only refer to dependence on substances such as heroin or cocaine."Oct 26, 2018....I know I definitely have a psychological inability to stop consuming thc. Lol
I have been addicted to all sorts of hard drugs in the past opiates being the main one. I went for 15+ years unable to stop using. Tried rehabs, methadone clinic, detox yada yada yada nothing worked. I spent all of my twenties strung out. I got locked up still used, it took 11 months in solitary for me to finally quit using. One day while 8-9 months into solitary I was like damn I feel normal without drugs for the first time since I was 13.

When I started back smoking herb I knew it was gonna be an everyday thing if I started. Luckily I had growing experience so I started growing again otherwise I'd have never been able to afford it.

I am addicted to smoking weed no doubt in my mind and I know addiction. No it doesn't have anywhere near the physical effects of quitting heroin. But honestly the mental part of heroin addiction is worse than the physical addiction. I know this because I quit several times, some of them while being in a locked rehab facility and others while in jail. Quitting when I was not locked up was way harder than when I was in a locked facility. If your mind thinks there is anyway possible to talk you into getting drugs then the physical withdrawal symptoms are worse.

I smoke way too much am ounce or two of top shelf flower every week. I luckily have turned my passion of growing into a career but I do feel sometimes like smoking gets in the way of that. I'm doing pretty good but running a business requires a lot of attention not just gardening and sometimes my stoned ass just doesn't get everything I should done.
sometimes my stoned ass just doesn't get everything
Were you a thief in your younger years... I ask because in my personal experience I only have had trouble with the police in the past when I was thieving from others. God is always watching and he likes to play too so be careful what you do unto others (Jesus was right about this one). I also believe Jesus proved taxation is no better than theft in God's eyes when he died on the cross. Trials and tribulations... practice justice to others and you will receive freedom in exchange.

Please do not take offense as this is merely for educational purposes.