Help - Too hot!!

Hey, I have 10 23W 6500k CFLs around a plastic tub that my plants are in, that is in a 5x2x5 room. I have been keeping my closet door open and the temp is still 87 degrees (finally got batteries for my thermometer).. I already have a fan blowing on them, is there anyway I can reduce the heat in there??


Well-Known Member
try taking them out of the rubbermaid if thats what they are in that thing holds heat and maybe add a bigger fan.
try taking them out of the rubbermaid if thats what they are in that thing holds heat and maybe add a bigger fan.
They are in it, but the whole room is hot.. so idk if that would change it. The other problem is that if I take them outta the rubbermaid I have nothing to clip my mini-reflector/ballast things too..
is the room a bedroom? do you have a tv/computer in there? I seriously doubt your bulbs are raising your entire room temp that high, has to be another factor... do you have the heat on? do your neighbors? are you in the attic? have you tried leaving the window cracked?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I have 10 23W 6500k CFLs around a plastic tub that my plants are in, that is in a 5x2x5 room. I have been keeping my closet door open and the temp is still 87 degrees (finally got batteries for my thermometer).. I already have a fan blowing on them, is there anyway I can reduce the heat in there??
Ventilation, ventilation, ventilation!!!
Theres no magic trick to reduce heat. You need to get the old hot air out, and bring in fresh cool air. 87 isnt that bad. Not ideal by far but plants will still grow in those temps. Try a better fan, opening a window, or buy a exhaust fan. Ya there expensive but it takes dough to make bread, ya know!!