Thanks guys..
The soil is my own. Great compost with lots of well rotted seaweed, Turkey turd and even lobster bodies and fish skins. The stuff is as sweet as it gets. It's out of the same pile I used indoors last time and the PH was good. It doesn't rub off and the color runs right to the core of each little bud. The H2O is right out of my Koi pond and is like ready made tea with a little fish turd and algea floating around. You would not want to drink it.
Temps maxed out at 71 today and have been down to lower 50's. How about this variable??????????? Fogged in most morning and they are only a couple hundred yards from SALT water and they are potted up in 15 gallon tree pots and not in the ground?
The Neem is a fresh bottle and it never occurred to me that I could hit them with aluminium sulfate to change their color. Interesting from a marketing point of view if I was marketing.
It's only getting the Super Silver and Buddha Tahoe and I don't know if those are purpling varieties. Frankly the plant material seem healthy. Firm and healthy to the pinch. WTH, could it just be a natural occurrance with that much color? They have been budding for a while but slowly picking up speed.
Corso!! Walter killed Mike!!!