Help! Upside down canoe/claw


Hola everyone! This is my first ever post and I am on my first ever grow. I've got a wonderful indoor garden and everything is going smoothly except for my upside down canoe/ claw problem. I'm running a 3x3 flood table with a 40 gallon res. with 4 airstones. I'm using 8 inch mesh bottom pots filled with Hydroton and 4 inch pots inside of those filled with Coco. I'm running a 1000w air cooled light venting out of a roof vent. There is plenty of air circulation and temps in the grow are 70 to 72 degrees at "night" and 80 to 85 degrees during "daytime". I keep the ph at 5.8 and the temperature of the res. at 72 to 75 degrees. PPm's are at 1080 using RO'd water and I'm entering the 5th week of flower. I am growing 5 S.A.G.E. plants from TH Seeds under a screen. I let them veg until they showed me their sex and then I threw them into flower... hence the size. I'm using Humboldt Nutrients Master A/B Program to the "T" and changing the res every week. Anyway, my leaves are doing the upside down canoe thing and clawing. I've researched it tons, but have decided to get input from ya'll as I can't figure it out. I feel like everything is straight... conditions are good... just can't figure out what's going on. Hope there isn't anything I left out. Thanks a bunch!



Well-Known Member
THe clawing you are experiencing is Nitrogen Toxicity.

The levels of nitrogen have surpassed what is usable by the plant.

I would run at a lower PPM.

The trouble with N clawing is that you never really know if you have corrected it as the affected leaves never return to normal. YOu can only look to unaffected growth to see whether it is getting worse or not.



What percentage of nitrogen should they be getting every day? Will they make it until next Saturday... my next reservoir change? Should I change the res immediately? It's recirculating. Will this affect my harvest? Thanks so much for your input. I've been trying not to bug people with silly questions, however, I felt this was legit.


Just emptied about 40% of the res and am adding RO'd water. Mathematically, this should lower the ppm's to approximately 700 ish? Hope this works. Is it going to affect potency?


Right on, everybody. I appreciate it. Gonna change the res and flush with RO'd water. I'll start 'em off with lighter nutes.


Well-Known Member
Flushing isnt always the best solution, due to the rootzone being at a high ppm its better to gradually reduce rootzone ppm over a few days.

If you are recirculating have you been testing your res every few days to see how ppm's are changing?

You can get a good judgement of how the plants are feeding by monitoring your levels in your res.

ppm's increase --- reduce strength
ppm's decrease --- increase strength



Hey J,
Yeah, it's recirculating. ppm's have been increasing, but they usually do with my setup. I usually add RO'd water on a daily basis... just to top it off. My lights go on at 19:00, and tonight will be my second day of flooding with RO'd water and Hygrozyme. Since I'm in my 5th week of flowering, I'm thinking of adding 1/4 to 1/2 strength nutes. I'm using the Humboldt Nutrients Master A/ B program according to the charts on their website. Anyway, let me know what you think. I really appreciate, dude.


Well-Known Member
if your ppm's are increasing then you need to back them off.

Reduce your ppm by half on your next res change. Charts are ok as guides but your res tells you what to do along with how your plants are reacting.

Keep testing after u reduce your ppm's i bet they dont climb . Then keep testing and adjusting until you find a ppm level where it barely increases/decreases.
