HELP weird growth on top of bud picture attached

Hi can you please take a look at these photos. There is weird growth on the tip of the bud and I dont know what it is. Any feedback or insight would be soo appreciated! This is an Island Sweet Skunk going into the 8th week of flowering. Its on a couple of others that were closest to the light (1K HPS).


yep those are definitely pollen sacks. if you have other females in your grow, id destroy that plant asap =(


Active Member
looks like its a he she but that might be from stress unless all your seeds are from the same plant and its happening to all of them if you gave them to much food your hairs would have turned red


Well-Known Member
This is just an opinion, but I think that the growth could be pollen sacks... If those 8 week flowering plants are almost done flowering, just let them finish. If you're worried about them getting pollen to the other females, assuming the growth is pollen sacks, move them into another room, seal them off, and finish the grow.
Hi can you please take a look at these photos. There is weird growth on the tip of the bud and I dont know what it is. Any feedback or insight would be soo appreciated! This is an Island Sweet Skunk going into the 8th week of flowering. Its on a couple of others that were closest to the light (1K HPS).
If its a hermie look into this product before you destroy, DUTCH MASTER REVERSE.

From the pic its hard to tell but Ive had buds that kinda grow weird at the top ,they kinda look like little brains .
Thanks all for taking a look. We are def not throwing her away..not this late in the game. The weird thing is is that what I have doesnt look like any hermie pics I have seen..unless this is early on into the stage or something? The plant is so tall and the rm is so bright I think I need to post a better one. I think we will cut it off and hope for the best. This is a medical grow..I do have one other plant in with her and not signs of anything there and she is done prob 2 weeks more the most. So if it is a hermie..the bud doesnt have the same affect or tastes bad? Anyone know? Havent seen a single see on her at all yet we dont need her for clones or anything.
thanks again everyone!


Active Member
pollen sack on top of the bud? idk i have a whole crop with that growth that came in last week, looks like crystally bud with hair growin out of it. IDK< maybe im seeing it wrong in yers


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure a plant that turns hermie this late into flowering will still be very close to a full female plant... However, it can pollinate the rest of the plants in the area, so move it!!


Well-Known Member
DO NOT KILL IT. I'm so sick of people telling others to Destroy a hermie. Thats just pure ignorance. Move it away from others, sure. But only an idiot would kill it.
Ok so thanks everyone for looking and the feedback. Im hoping you are right with the pistols being cooked, as they were pretty close to the 1K HPS. We snipped them and took pics away from the light. Please let me know if this changes anything. We snipped it open to see if there was pollen or anything and doesnt appear to be anything present..but than again..I really dont know jack about that says it all. :wall:Thanks again.

Thanks all for taking a look. We are def not throwing her away..not this late in the game. The weird thing is is that what I have doesnt look like any hermie pics I have seen..unless this is early on into the stage or something? The plant is so tall and the rm is so bright I think I need to post a better one. I think we will cut it off and hope for the best. This is a medical grow..I do have one other plant in with her and not signs of anything there and she is done prob 2 weeks more the most. So if it is a hermie..the bud doesnt have the same affect or tastes bad? Anyone know? Havent seen a single see on her at all yet we dont need her for clones or anything.
thanks again everyone!

