HELP!!!!!!! Weird Leaf curl and coloring...Help Please, never seen this before. PICS!


Well-Known Member
ok, so i got my clones 2 weeks ago and theyve been doing great. however friday night i had to leave until sunday night. So before i left i watered and put maybe a quarter inch of PHd water in the trays to let the babies soak up any water if needed...and they did. I got home and they looked like this. I shouldnt have left but my woman forced me to go to a wedding out of town with her. The plants werent droopy but they needed watered and maybe 6 or 7 looked like this. The leaves are curling, the edges are turning neon green and their very veiny. Whats going on, i want to save them before its too late. What happened how do i fix this. Im using botanicare nutes. Pure Blend Pro at 7ml/g and liquid karma at 3ml/g. My PH pen broke last week so im using the dropper and the strips. Could the PH be too high, i never trust those. Waiting for my shop to get me a replacment PH meter. HELP!!!! much appreciated it seems as if more are turning this way, im up to maybe 8 or 9 like this today




Well-Known Member
I would flush them with plain tap, gravity bounce out the excess and stop using nutes all together till you transplant them out of the solos.


Well-Known Member
should i wait til they dry up? i just watered them yesterday but i nuted em.....should i wait til they dry up and do it or just hit em now?


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, really appreciate it, allready on top of it CN. halfway done. just did the first 20 and man did it make a fucking mess in the tub....haha i did it 3 times with 2 cups worth of water each time. I filled and gravity bounced til each clone it was done dripping. i think that should be sufficent. What do you think. Am i too late, do you think theyll be ok? no ph, just tap water.


Well-Known Member
cn, im gonna cut the nutes out until they rebound and i transplant. Would it be unwise to calmag them in a day or two?i havent used it yet, should i just wait til they come back and i transplant?


Well-Known Member
ok so its been a full 24hrs since the flush, they have stopped turning those weird colors, i think i stopped the burn, now i just have to nurse em back.....phew!!!! thanks guys