
ok so my girlfriend made me go on a caribbean cruise for a week and she happened to plan it right in the middle of my flowering period. so my plants are looking great and beautiful before i left, truly they were sexy ladies however when i come back from 7 days they are dessicated and crunchy.

i tried to devise a water system to give them a little bit of water every day, however it was ghetto and likely failed early. therefore a possibility is that my system failed, drowning the plant in lots of water that it took many days before it finally started to evaporate. the other possibility is that the system failed the other way and didnt get enough water to the plants. they leaves were twisted and desicated crunchy and falling off at a touch. they had slight spots on them and discolorations throughout. this effect is worse at the top and progressing down the plant. please help quickly as id hate to lose her, shes my first WW grow and before this travesty was a shiny sparkly dewey delicious looking beast.

for now ive aerated the soil by poking holes in it to hasten evaporation of latent water in soil as i assume the plant has been drowning in large quantities of water that have only now started to go away. please confirm or deny, educate me as ive never seen this level of terribleness before. thx to all IMG_0262.jpgIMG_0263.jpgIMG_0264.jpgIMG_0265.jpg


ya i thought lack of water too, but the soil feels drenched, and the water gauge i use say its fully saturated, so im not sure whats going on


lol funny u mention aqua balls, that was my plan the entire time, but 20 minutes before i leave, im ready to go pick it up from CVS or Walgreens, apparently every store has stopped carrying them in store, and you can now only order them online. my lack of preplanning comes back to bite me again....
Those water globes are shit!! You cant count on them at all. I recently left on a weeks vacation with my girls 3 weeks in flower. What I did was build a containment area out of 2 x 6 lumber and lined it with 2 layers of panda plastic to make it hold about 4 to 6 inches of water. I made sure that the drain holes in my pots were about 3 inches under water so they can wick the liquid from the bottom. Came back after 8 days to a beautiful thriving garden. I will admit that I was very nervous throughout the vacation cause I have never tried this before. One other thing is, I have a concrete floor in my basement grow room so I really dont have to worry about leaks, not like trying this in an upstairs bedroom converted to a grow room. Then I would be worrying about flooding as well as my babies.


Well-Known Member
if leaves are crispy, give a full water and allow them time to dry after that

also foliar feed the leaves... are they all crunchy and browning?

I would foliar feed and cut off all the dead/brown leaves and hopefully the rest can rebound... i have rebounded plants from similar situations and hopefully all goes well


Well-Known Member
They look dry to me, Zinc would help them out during long periods of dryness

Those water globes are shit!! You cant count on them at all. I recently left on a weeks vacation with my girls 3 weeks in flower. What I did was build a containment area out of 2 x 6 lumber and lined it with 2 layers of panda plastic to make it hold about 4 to 6 inches of water. I made sure that the drain holes in my pots were about 3 inches under water so they can wick the liquid from the bottom. Came back after 8 days to a beautiful thriving garden. I will admit that I was very nervous throughout the vacation cause I have never tried this before. One other thing is, I have a concrete floor in my basement grow room so I really dont have to worry about leaks, not like trying this in an upstairs bedroom converted to a grow room. Then I would be worrying about flooding as well as my babies.
This sounds like a good plan


well my method was similiar, i filled 2 gallon jugs of tea, then put holes in the bottom, but the holes let out water too fast, so i then put the tea jug into a water tight bag and made an incision halfway up to give it a time delay. i then put them next to the plants with the side of the hole facing the plant. one of these worked but the other didnt. my other plant doesnt look nearly this badly

had to cut off all the fan leaves up and down the plant, but the bud growths seems to have resisted the majority of it so after some foliar feeding with a weak nute formula im hoping it will rebound. thx to all for help

was just wondering, will foliar feeding nutes, make final product taste worse? will i be able to flush it out with lots of water?