HELP!! What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
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Just wondering if any of you fellow growers can help me out with a quick diagnosis? She's at week 3 and was flushed through a week and a half ago (just to clear any salt buildup). Only had 1 feeding since flower at very low concentration with a pH of 6.4 - 6.7.

It seems to affect the middle/top of the plant. It started going like this a few days after it was watered with just RO water. It began off as a whiteish colour making me think it was too close to the light - I had a 600 about 8-9 inches away, so I moved it higher.

Temps & RH are good and stable.

They were transplanted from coco into compost & perlite, and are in 17L pots/ 4.5 gallons

Problems getting worse but im not sure whether its pH problem, deficiency or what! Any other information you need to help diagnose? Lemme know!

What type of medium; Soil
What brand and type of soil? Levington Multi-purpose Compost
Indoors or outdoors? Indoor
What strain? Reserva OG Kush
How old are the plants? 17 Weeks, 3 weeks into flower
What type of lights and how many watts? 600w HPS
How far from the lights? 14-16 inches
What is your watering frequency and source of water? every 4-5 days R.O Water
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK? Last fed Dutch Pro Bloom A+B(A: 4-0-4 + B:2-2-4) & explode @ EC 0.85 about 10 days ago
What is the medium/runoff pH and PPM if in hydro?
What are the temps and humidity in the room? 70-80f 50-60%
What size pots? 17L/4.5 Gallon
Any bugs? Look real close. Bug-free (thank fuck)
Any other pertinent info? Has been in the 17L pots for 2 months roughly, got much bigger plants in them too and theyre still super healthy, but theyre other strains. Was super healthy in veg, health has just declined since beginning of flower really.



Well-Known Member
she goin def bro...what nute line u using? also, if your using RO you might want to put some cal/mag in there too...but i say, bump up the nutes

EDIT: also, i actually have the RP OG Kush, and she loves Mg, just like C99!


Well-Known Member
It has that funny droop to it like maybe over watering or
root bound maybe the root hit the wall of the pot and stopped!
Like them floors:lol: