Help!!! What does this mean?

Yesterday I noticed the little guy slumped over at the stem...then I noticed all the leaves drooping and some with this golden brown look to it underwatered? too much water? not enough ventilation?

any help would be sooo appreciated....

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Well-Known Member
honestly i think that plant may be fucked, but it looks to have been over watered along with the soil ph being to acidic. did you add any nutrients?


Active Member
it isnt dead yet but it looks looks like you watered the hell out of it.put it outside for a few days if its not raining where you are and let it dry out.if it recovers then quit watering it so much


Well-Known Member
you over watered it.

and before you newbies who just learn about ph and nute brn say something. know that over watering a plant causes yellowing also.


Well-Known Member
it isnt dead yet but it looks looks like you watered the hell out of it.put it outside for a few days if its not raining where you are and let it dry out.if it recovers then quit watering it so much
dont put it out side. the plant is in stress if you blast it with heat it wont be able to take it.


Active Member
dont put it out side. the plant is in stress if you blast it with heat it wont be able to take it.
thats the only way to dry it out fast enuff to hopefully recover.ive done it wen i was a noob bak in 94 and it always worked.I figured more water = faster growth lol.