Help What is wrong with my plant

I have three autoflowers about 9 weeks old all of them are doing great except for this one. I have looked around and cant pin point what might be wrong with it. I water when needed based on the weight of the pot they are under 20/4 150hps with 2 24watt hot5 I fert with big bloom every 2 weeks. DSCN0845.jpgDSCN0843.jpgDSCN0844.jpgDSCN0842.jpg


Well-Known Member
i dont know what the problem is, but if you flush her with some good quality PH'd water with plenty of run off im sure it would help..

good luck!


Well-Known Member
Poor girls...

Looks like you are feeding them too much. Also, they look like they have been watered too much as well.

Lay off the nutes for a bit or cut it down at least.
Ok that is only one of the plants the poor things were already damaged by a nasty fungus fly infestation which I beat but it definitely inhibited their growth. They completed bounce back from that all yellow leaves fell off and I only had good growth from there on except none of my leaves were normal like 3 maybe 5 points. Whatever getting off track. If they are over watered and over fert is it a bad thing to flush them or should I do it and leave them outside as the sun will dry the pots out in hours where I live.