help what's goin on ?


I think I have got thrips I think that's right word .. I can see white things move on the tops of plants a but I've also got a lot of cobwebs but can't actually see sighn of spider mites so bit confused .. I've got some nite nite spider mite which killed them instantly last time will this work on the white bugs ? What will they do to my plant are the harmefull I want to go in to flowering and also need to take cuttings so need them dead asap thanks : )


Well-Known Member
The health of your plant I'm sure will indicate whether or not they are beneficial.
I have a feeling they aren't though, and the cobwebs are from some sort of arachnid. (mites)
If that solution worked last time why aren't you using it this time? :P
Haven't ever heard of thrips though


I think they are thrips like white little maggot things there tiny big enough to see and cause I just see the webs when I got in from work and I can't spray it till lights off if I got time in the morning I will do this .. The webs look like webs I gt before from spider mites I'm sure it will get rid the webs just don't no bout the. Things


Active Member
thrips don't leave webs. Are there silverish lines on the leaves? When you water do you notice things getting the fuck outta the way...if so then I'd geuss thrips. If not I'd say mites. For thrips you can cut a potato in half and put it flesh side down on the soil. Check it 24hrs later and you'll see if you have thrips or not.


thrips are nasty little fuckers,dont flower if u have them,they will fuk ur buds up big time,if u grow in a tent or small room,turn ur vents off for a few hours and throw som no pest strips in there,it will kill ever dam bug in ur tent or room,thats what i did to get rid of those fuckers,hope this helps ya