HELP!! whats going on with these?!

these don't look how they should for this cycle and i am looking for help on what may be causing this and how to fix it.

10 days old, yellow spotting, and shriveling of leaves, light cycle 24 hours on, with a cool mist humidifier and small space heater in grow area, florescent tubes for lights and small fan for air flow

pics say it all

mushroom man

Active Member
one thing i think u should do is get that light a hell of a lot closer ,also get them into some pots they look like they need a little food man ,ummy n k p


dont feed them things till atleast 4 weeks and even then its a real low feeding. u start feeding nutes now, your just asking for problems.

mushroom man

Active Member
4 weeks old till feeding? most ppl seem only veg for that long and give nuts way befor that ,but like he said dont do full strangth do25% then up it very little every other water,also they r way to tall like i said man u need to get the light closer ,they r looking for more light but some ppl like really tall plants ,just trying to help out


Well-Known Member
Check the PH of the water that you are using to feed, make sure it's not way out of whack. They definitely do not need nutrients at this ripe young age. I've had these kind of symptoms twice with seedlings...once I was using a T5HO with way more output than I anticipated and the seedlings didn't like it. So what kind of light are using?

The other time I tried using Tap Water down here in Southern California and they were very, very unhappy about it. I switched to RO and it cleared them right up.

I don't know exactly what your problem is off hand, but that's a couple of avenues to investigate.
i am switching to 18/6 for the light cycle and just going back to RO water, they look a little better since moving the lights closer but i hope by changing the light cycle now it will help them perk up.