help, whats this? im worried

Ive got a picture of a plant with some damage. The leaves turn brown/grey and then die. its happened for the past 4 days now and its not looking good.
i am going to a garden centre today to get whatevers needed.

i have a photo of one of the leafs

thank you

i have heard it could be lack of phosphorous, and was going to buy some new compost for it and some bone thing. (not sure what its called)



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like you are towards the end of flower cycle.
You do know that it is normal to yellow like that right?

Well this may help but we are talking veg cycle here.



Well-Known Member
Need more info like how far in bloom, what nutes ya been runnin ect...
From the pic looks like she's in late bloom and this could be just normal die off and yellowing and not a issue at all.
i just got the plant about a week ago, i havent been feeding it anything in particular, was waiting for student load to come through to get stuff for it. i dont know its ph or anything like that at the momment.
some of the branches are getting completely wiped out by it. I can buy whatever nutrients are needed today.

Need more info like how far in bloom, what nutes ya been runnin ect...
From the pic looks like she's in late bloom and this could be just normal die off and yellowing and not a issue at all.