New Member
So im doing a soil grow and what i do for my water is, first i collect it from the tap then i set the pH to 6.0, add my nutrients then put in my air stones and aerate the water for a day to get rid of chlorine, and when i do bubble/aerate it i have it completely light proof and i make sure that its not too much bubbles due to them popping and leaving white spots above the water, but after leaving the water bubbling for id say 4-5 hours this white film covers the air stones and the bucket. I have no idea what im doing wrong or whats going wrong i thought its maybe from the nutrients but i haven't had this problem in the past it seems to just wash right off after dumping the water but i still do sterilize all my equipment after every time i bubble. Any ideas what it could be? am i mixing the nutrients in a wrong way?