attaching pics, I have had a few years of successful grows, rarely run into problems but I'm not sure what this is. i amended some raised bed "organic" MG soil from home depot with 40% perlite and dolomite lime, transplanted from the solo cup with seed starting mix and haven't fed it, barely watered it in, transplant went really smooth. i have had tip burn before but never white like this. using a spiderfarmer se3000 light at 26" above canopy at 60% power par reads around 350 on the photon app and dli is 26.5. temps are always 68-77 degress F and humidity does swing from 27% to 60% depending on if i slack refilling the humidifier. looking worse every couple hours. should i just leave her alone and see what happens? i also topped her once 3 days ago, didn't appear to stress her out much. i usually go crazy with topping and LST. advice would be appreciated greatly I'll post more pics if needed. thanks again. one pic with the grow light on and one with it off.