help..! white lil dots on leaves..??? why!!?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
my leaves have small white lil dots on them.. lots of them..? what could it be..?
SPIDER MITES! Get a magnifying glass or a tricomb scope and look for bugs on the underside of the leaves. If they are there, start looking up how to fight spider mites. They are a bitch!


Well-Known Member
SPIDER MITES! Get a magnifying glass or a tricomb scope and look for bugs on the underside of the leaves. If they are there, start looking up how to fight spider mites. They are a bitch!
that's my guess also. If it is spider mites pick up some azatrol. Treat for a few weeks and you will notice a huge difference!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Also, clones or from seed? Spider mites can hitch a ride into your room on clones from somewhere else. They also can be in soil in the form of eggs if your not using sterilized soil. Are you around others grows or other plants in general before you enter your grow? They can hitch a ride in on you. Pets? Same thing. Nothing should enter your room without a good cleaning, including all tools and yourself.
Treat your room like a bio lab, and go out of your way to keep things and yourself clean and you will minimize your bug problems. Figure out how they got in and try and prevent it in the future...But sooner or later, every grower will get spider mites. Some say experienced growers don't but that's bullshit. Everyone gets mites.

el tio

Active Member
hmm..they outdoor..i do have pets two pitbulls and a oldenglish not sure if is in all of them plants but i kno is in like 2 or 3..i will be cheking after im done smoking cuz i dont want to be smoking all over them..i dont kno if is good or not but just in case.. thanks for ur time all of u..any good tips advice or coment will be u all kno im new to this..if u want i can try and post somepics to se if the white things can be seen..