HELP! White pistils turning orange - end of week 3 Flower!

if they are daisy chained there is abit of overlap which is good.
you could place them xx or x x the further apart the less watts per sq ft
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You could also try 'super cropping' her and tying them over so the branches grow horizontally rather than vertical. Bit later than ideal but if she's going into the light. I've done this for the same reason and they went mad after. That was well in to flower on sour grape. Tbh I've never used a tent that size, do you have room to scrog next time? Too late for this one obviously, unless it is!
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Maybe try bending your plants over away from the light. If you have to you can tie them where you want t hem. Your plants will respond and lower buds will appreciate the light created and Your top buds are farther from the heat.
Sounds good will do that immediately
You could also try 'super cropping' her and tying them over so the branches grow horizontally rather than vertical. Bit later than ideal but if she's going into the light. I've done this for the same reason and they went mad after. That was well in to flower on sour grape. Tbh I've never used a tent that size, do you have room to scrog next time? Too late for this one obviously, unless it is!
I actually bought myself an early Xmas gift so after this grow it’s onto/into a bigger and better tent!
I actually bought myself an early Xmas gift so after this grow it’s onto/into a bigger and better tent!
Jobs a good un! Start a Scrog set up to get best out of it in my opinion. Others may recommend sog, excellent method, but I find i get better buds letting them grow on a bit. Sounds like you'll be golden m8. In my experience a good way of telling if your lights are too close is if there is any "tacoing" at all on the leaves. Even a little around the edges. If so bump them up an inch or 2. (The lights!).
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Jobs a good un! Start a Scrog set up to get best out of it in my opinion. Others may recommend sog, excellent method, but I find i get better buds letting them grow on a bit. Sounds like you'll be golden m8. In my experience a good way of telling if your lights are too close is if there is any "tacoing" at all on the leaves. Even a little around the edges. If so bump them up an inch or 2. (The lights!).
Sounds good bruv, already purchased the scrog net! We’ll see how my first attempt goes. Just germinated 5 seeds can’t wait.