HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..


New Member
ok i have some advice. I was in the same boat. My wife was crazy aginst the idea. So i went out and got a couple of cfls. spent less than 20 bucks. she was still hesetant, thought it would coast to much to set up and run, plus police danger. Then i took her over to a friends house days before harvest. Now she is as into it as i am. Look at it this way, i have kids and am married, i am at home almost all the time i'm not working, her to. so now we have a joint hobby. she takes care of turning off the lights and keeping a writen journal, its bonding and comunication, if ya cant talk to her its a bad sign. good luck
see it can work out..


Im in texas. Hell, they just passed a law that having any marijuana or paraphanailia will get you a year in jail and a 4000K fine. I think I'm definitely moving to Canada in the future. Even though I was born in Texas, Im starting to dislike this state more and more.

A slew of new legislation was enacted at the beginning of the month in the Lone Star State. One of Texas' more controversial new laws is one changing the policy for people caught with marijuana.
Prior to the new law, all marijuana possession-even of amounts less than four ounces-came with required jail time for those convicted. Now, police officers have the choice of simply issuing a citation, much like those sometimes issued for minor traffic violations (driving through a stop sign, speeding, jaywalking).
The policy change is meeting mixed reactions. According to the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), this law will prove beneficial because it will decrease the "amount of time and resources needlessly spent when an officer must arrest and bring in low-level offenders" like first-time marijuana users.
Rather than filling out mountains of paperwork, officers can lend their attention to more threatening problems like violent crime. Supposedly, issuing citations should save both time and money.
Opposition from Police

But law enforcement officials are, for the most part, less than enthusiastic. According to, sheriffs and officers alike are concerned with the implications, worrying that allowing marijuana users to get away with only a citation will cause marijuana use to be viewed as a "socially acceptable" crime.
Most officers are reluctant to put a narcotic offense in the same category as a speeding violation.
Though the law does not change the category of offense-possessing less than two ounces is a Class B misdemeanor; possession of two to four ounces is a Class A misdemeanor-it has sparked its fair share of controversy." Some sheriffs are even insisting their employees ignore the new law.

Sgt. Pepper

Nope - but she isn't here to defend herself, and as a wife, I'm more than a little irritated after 8 pages of primarily MALES telling this guy to "ditch the bitch" and "fuck her do it anyways", to ruin his marriage over some PLANTS for god's sake. :wall:

Nope I sure didn't - however - smoking is a far cry from growing.

Ok I have to chime in here, as a human being 1st and a man/husband 2nd.

In my understanding of this, Before they decided to buy a new house it was understood that he wanted to grow when they moved. (This is what I picture- Husband- Dear what do you think about buying a new home? Wife- Oh daddy can we? That would just be awesome, I allready have plans for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Master Bedroom and the kids have said they want 1 Star Wars theme and 1 Cinderella theme bedrooms. While Wife is taking a breath, Husband finally gets a word in. Husband - The garage is Mine, so don't even think there is a garage to put all the crap you just won't throw away cuz you are a pack rat, That's what most of the basement is for, and I want to have a little grow room for us, so we don't have to spend an arm and a leg and possibly get jacked or killed for shwagg. Wife - totally into Her thoughts only says sure daddy whatever you want.
I'm thinking biege carpet maby a burbur or maby plush, yeah plush thats what I want,and hmmm Oh yeah we gotta have new appliances yeah definitly new appliances ooooooo yeah Bosch you know the nice stainless steel stuff, and etc. etc. etc. Already forgoten everything after "lets buy a new home"...

I've been happily married for 19 years and love the shit out of my wife, and we have 2 great daughters together. But I have to say I know alot of women including my wife, bless her heart, that will say just about anything to get thier way, and when it comes time to get yours, it's oh, I didn't really think you were serious, Oh you were? Wife Thinking - Oh well tough shit, what can you really do about? Leave and pay for my new house? haha. Oh your gonna hit me? That'll be the last thing you get to do as a free man, and I still get the house that you're liable for. haha.. Oh you're gonna divorce me hahahahaha. Ok then I'll take almost everything you and we own + the house + allimony, hahaha. Well daddy this time your shit outa luck. Next time though ettc. etc. etc.

Lets put the shoe on the other foot shall we? Lets.

Ok you were in his boat and were the sole provider and offered your stay at home husband a new home? 1st off I don't know you but..... You'll probably fit in most of your decorating ideas, would you not? and etc. etc. and the kids etc. etc. Now you say you want a home office or something of the like to make some side$$. Dayddy - sure hun anything you want dear. And when you get back to your new home from work you find a pool table in its place. Is it fair play? Whatcha think?

Please respond DoeEyed. I really want your take on that.
