Help with a couple of my girls


New Member
Heres the problem. In plant A I noticed a black streak forming on a fan leaf. by morning the black streak hard turned brown. I haven't used any nutes i water with tap on occasion but normaly speing water and i just incorporated water from my homeboys fish tank ( post problem). It was recently re-potted to a 5 gal bucket. I had grabbed a bucket from a nieghbor and it had be used to grow a sort of weed this summer. The bucket where left outside so the soil was rich but very cold. I used 3 of his buckets the same way and this is the only one that shows these symptoms. This plant is DynaChem by dyna farms nd it is 6wks old. it had been stunted.


Well-Known Member
you put the plant into cold soil ? from out side lower then 45 f ? yes it will do what is pictured. stresses the plant . cut that leaf off. keep them warm . the roots should never get under 50 f experts say I suggest never lower then 55.


Well-Known Member
The cold soil didn't do your plant any favors, but that discoloration is a new one on me. Make sure you have good airflow thru the plant, and be careful about the fish juice as it can screw with your PH. The rest of the plant looks very good though, so unless it spreads, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. Good luck.


New Member
thanks for the reply. the fish tank water has the proper ph. There were two othe plants that where transpotted to the cold soil but did'nt shw any of that discoloration. It has spread and it looks like its gunna take over the plant.


Well-Known Member
I will never reuse buckets since they are so cheap. I can go to Wal-Mart and buy a five gallon bucket for 2$.. A great peace of mind, instead of using used bucket as microbes and bugs can and will survive in the buckets. It doesn't look like bugs and honestly I have no Idea what it is hopefully someone with more knowledge comes on to help you my friend.. Good Luck