Help with a couple things:

420 Tokers

Active Member
Several questions to ask: First thing first from week 4-8 of flowering how much can you expect your buds to become thicker? Next question a clone in rockwool that has roots growing out of the bottom, if I want to grow in rockwool only can I trim the roots off? What other opitions might I have? This plant also has serious issues on the leafs. Most leaves are brown/yellow on edges and tips are curling upward. Looks sad like it may die and it was just getting size to clone, it is 4 weeks old. :wall: 6inch rockwool cube, under 24 hour cfl light. Any ideas??? Please!


Active Member
brow yellow and curling upward sounds like you over fertalized your plant which im sorry to say is very hard to fix, it sounds like you should just feed your plant water and let it ride out the rest of its fowering cycle. its a hard pill to swallow but i got stuck in the same situation and at 4 weeks in theres nothin you can do. the buds will get a little bigger but the over fertilization makes it hard for the plant to keep producing so it'll be slow goings for the next 4 weeks. and about that clone, never cut roots you have to get a bigger environment so it doesn't become root bound

420 Tokers

Active Member
Sorry the one flowering is a perfect, nice green, and 3 1/2 feet. How much could I get off one like that you think. Also how much more dense will the buds become? On the clone cound it be root bound now? It is in a shallow tray with clay pellets but I was watering it from the bottom and switched to watering the top of the cube. Also it has been switched from cfl and hps and back daily, but now it is only under 24hr cfl light. The mother is in soil no problems getting her to this stage but now starting to grow clones all in the rockwool and hoping to flower them out in the same rockwool cube. still alot to learn with this switch. Also if I get this sick clone healthy can I plant the cube in soil and grow it out like the mother I am flowering now? Would I remove the plastic around the rock wool?


Active Member
perfectly healthy 3 ft plant could give you alot if you give it enough light it really depends on the strain same with the density its really dependent on the strain. oh in that case yes it seems your plant is root bound not overfertilized so i would just plant it and remove the plastic so the roots can spread.

Good Luck!