Help with a deficiency

I recently learned my calmag adds N , fwiw.

All of them do I think. Should have some iron too. I'm using REMO Magnifical atm and it's 3-0-0. 3%N, 2%Ca, 1.3%Mg and 1%Fe.

For the soil growing folks I'd suggest using dolomitic lime and agricultural gypsum mixed in with your soil. No extra N and really no use for CalMag either and the stuff is dirt cheap. Nice dose of S in the gypsum too.

Ill just experiment with a few different things. In the end its just a plant. I can just grow another

True enough. If I didn't make every grow an experiment of one kind or another I'd probably give up growing.

Good luck with her and have a Merry Xmas!

All of them do I think. Should have some iron too. I'm using REMO Magnifical atm and it's 3-0-0. 3%N, 2%Ca, 1.3%Mg and 1%Fe.

For the soil growing folks I'd suggest using dolomitic lime and agricultural gypsum mixed in with your soil. No extra N and really no use for CalMag either and the stuff is dirt cheap. Nice dose of S in the gypsum too.

i started with an iron supplement this grow they seem to love it
i like your avatar nyuk nyuk nyuk

Thanks. I put that one up for the 2016 election season too. Seemed appropriate. :)

i started with an iron supplement this grow they seem to love it

Iron is used to green up lawns and an important mineral for almost all plants. Zinc is another one that is hugely important and used as a catalyst in many of the chemical reactions that go on.

A couple times a grow I'll crush up in my mortar and pestle supplements I take myself. Iron, zinc, selenium, B1, ascorbic acid, (Vit. C), boric acid and some citric acid. Not sure if it does a hell of a lot but doesn't seem to hurt.
