Help with a Light Timing Issue!!! Please help!!!


Active Member
Ok so I set my grow room up a couple of months ago and things are starting to come together and starting to look good, but tonight I realized I think Im going to have to change the timing on my Bloom room. I have 3 sets of plants in bloom atm, each 2 weeks behind the other. Right now the lights come on at approx 8am and off at 8 pm. That was good for winter and will be for about another month or so but once it warms up more its gonna be really hot during the day. I want to adjust my Bloom room so its lights come on at approx. 10pm and off at 10 am , as i am looking at like 6 months of it being hot. I have a 16k BTU AC unit , with ducting to window for outtake and intake to keep the temperature in the room good, I just would much rather have the lights be on at nite and off during the day so my AC wont have to work as Hard.

Should I grow out what I have and then change the light timing or is there a way to adjust it gradually with out hurting or stunting the plants currently in bloom?????


Well-Known Member
Just do a one time switch, I had to do the same thing by 4 hrs, and I just did it. Nothing went wrong had 8 in flower and all went well. Others might have long system of 1 hr per day, blah.


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses guys. Its great to see that everyone came with the same idea.(shows me that if I got a question regarding my crops, heres the place to come). Did the Dark thing!!!!!!

Thanks All!!!!!!! ^^


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I'd stick with the whole gradual thing. Not sure how your timer works, but mine can be set for every 15 minutes. I'd take it as slow as you can, if you have the time, to reduce any shock risk.