help with airstone


Well-Known Member
you got the right thing/s

they all when plugged into an air pump will make alotta small bubbles. air stones come in all shapes and sizes, right at the bottom of that page you linked you can see bubble curtains ( flexi tubing)



Well-Known Member
Air pumps:

Aquarium air pumps are normaly used. these are quiet diaphram type. they come in different sizes. 10l upto huge 300l. too what i seen on the site and read most areogrows have used small pumps upto 100l these are fine for a couple of stones or even curtain bars.

splif killer:

goes for a couple of stones medium in sized around 4 inch to 6 inch long. they come in lots of differnt sizes and shapes. a backflow filter/valve will save you any water backflowing into your air pump ( saftey in mind no fires). im no aerogrower but have a lotta knowledge from my fishkeeping days, depending on the the saturation you could use a larger 200l pump and have a valve system running, you could then use a small stone for each plant.

im still learning too but hope this info helps you alittle



Well-Known Member
damn, so i got the pump today, got home realized i need a tube to connect the pump and the airstone, now its gonna be my third time going there

also, the pump i got was 20 and is for a 20 gallon aquarium, will this be fine for the aerogarden


Well-Known Member
yeah buddy that pump should be fine.

as for tubing go for a green color this will help keep alge too a minimum.

good luck with your grow buddy, i am sure everything will work out fine, and if not there is a wealth of info for when buds go bad :lol:



Well-Known Member
word thanks, it was weird, when i asked the dude for the pump he asked what size my fish tank was and said "and dont lie" i was so confused


Well-Known Member
yeah they tend too look at person then line you up for cleaning out your pockets. anything around 35-40 gallon is fine for tank size. if they ask more questions just say its too help cover rear pane. if they say pump aint enough, bullshit and say you have two medium sized powerheads. this will shut them up right away.

then they will leave you alone too choose your own goods and not try raping your wallet. ever get stuck drop a post in this topic and i try my best too help you out with pumps/stones/flow etc etc.
