Help with animal control

So im starting my first grow tomorow but where my grow will be there will be deer and rabbits and what not in the woods. I know i can put fence or fishing line up but I feel like that will be a little noticeable if someone wonders through the woods. Do you think If i leave a bottle of piss out there it will keep the animals away. I was thinking of digging a hole, placing a bucket in it and just take a piss in it whenever i check on the plants lol.
Besides the smell that the piss will give, will this plan work or can I get some coon piss and sprinkle that around?


Well-Known Member
Urine from a human will not keep animals away. Your best bet is some bottled fox urine because most animals view foxes as predators, or there are places you can buy, or make your own, cayenne pepper spray. The pepper spray doesn't go directly on your plants, but on those surrounding it. Pissing in the woods won't help you though.


Active Member
someone stated that dog fur also works but i have never tried it. I dont think you would notice fishing line
Well i dont want to buy any supplies since i do raise foxes, deer, and elfk. So I think ill just get some fur from the foxes and use that. And I also have coon scent which i will use. But I would think human piss would be great becasue animals dont fuck with us. lol


Active Member
Coyote piss Deer repellent. Home Depot. Buy the pure stuff 100 bucks. Cut it with water and use a spray bottle. Remember to reapply after a good rain. Most critters get used to human scent after awhile. Bring your dog out there and let him piss around that will also help.