Help with baby plant

Hello all, this is my first grow and I am in need of help. I have 1 OG kush plant which I placed about a half inch deep in organic soil. I watered it twice in 3 days lightly just to get the soil moist. It is directly under a 60 W cfl which is equivalent to 150W. IT has been in the soil for 3 days after 3 days germination and it is growing fast, however are 2 of the 4 leaves, not the crinkly leaves but the flat ones the tips are brown and curling down. Can you please tell the most possible cause for this. I have attached a picture. Please help me growers!



Well-Known Member
Too much heat im thinking, but also not enough light by how it's stretching. Put the light closer but get a small fan on low in there to take care of the heat.

good luck


Active Member
the small round leafs will die after first set shows,it loks fine to me,just do what the other guys said also to be safe


Well-Known Member
60 w is only 60 w for a plant. Your preception or the labels of illumination is not the point. :) So, 60w CFL is plenty for now. But yield is watts.

So, I think the soil is too hot for a seedling. Organic soil. Do a test. Put RO water through the soil and test the PPM of the run off. Oh Boy. Too hot for seeds.

I start seeds in a inert medium like coco coir and a water dose that is only 80 ppm. It looks to me like the seedling is nute locked. I have never seen that.

Why? Well, nute burn and yellow. So, too much and it has locked out everything, especially the Nitrogen.

Up to you, but for me, I'd toss it. It is like force feeding a human baby, a 72 oz steak. You may kill that baby. Don't kill the baby. :)
Thank you so much for the advice guys. So the consensus is my plant looks fine but I should get some more air. Also should I be using plant food like fertilizer for nitrogen and stuff? I have the light directly over the plant but the plant didnt feel to hot so I am guessing it is an ok distance?