Help with Clone!


Well-Known Member

Hey guys, this is my clone here which I planted using cloning gel 7 days ago. Two of the leaves have yellowed and dried (I'm guessing because of too much heat) and now the leaves are all drooping. The clone has shown signs of new growth so I think it is rooted.

My question is...why does it look dead and what can I do to revive it? Does it need nutrients? A transplant?

THanks for any help!


Active Member
And don't over water it! Can see the bottom of the pot is wet....let her dry out, then water lightly.


Well-Known Member
I always root my clones in plugs before I plant them. Next time, try a plug. Use the rooting gel, put it in a plug, and if you don't have nice cloning materials, I have amazing success putting a little bit of water in the bottom of a solo cup, putting the clone down in that, and getting a good sized ziplock bag and misting the clone AND sides of the bag down for humidity, and zipping the bag up except for the middle of the zipper part so it can get fresh air.


Well-Known Member
I noticed you broke one of my rules about cloning.
Rule #1. No dirt in the dome. Even with all that perlite, cuttings will do better in a jiffy pellet or rockwool. Reason: it is much easier to judge wetness with a pellet or r'wool. You want about the bottom 25% of the media (pellet, rockwool, dirt mix) to have access to water. If water is too easy for a plant to reach it has no incentive to grow out roots. So let the very bottom get wet and let the rest dry out. HOWEVER -- I still mist clone leaves only 2-3 times a day while in the dome. Let the pellet get dry and I dunk the pellet on day 4 or 5 in the dome. That one dunk should have roots out by day 8-11. BigSteve.


Active Member
Not much to the leaves on that one but clip them back when you clone, it will help direct that growth towards the roots and less stress on it.