HELP!!! with clones

Usually i'm 70% success rate when cloning.

I take cuttings, dip in root gel, spray with water, into dome under cfl. in about 3 - 4 weeks i have roots.

so i decided to try and speed up rooting time. I bought a super seeder heating pad endorsed by some Ed Hume guy. Says it only rsises temp 10 deg.

All my clones now die!!! :-( they have moldy stems when I pull them from the jiffy plug.

WTF! I thought heat was supposed to be good for root growth.

Please help, any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Stop using Jiffy plugs, too much moisture, your heat mat is making it even more most bringing on things like dampening off, rot, algae, etc... Switch to Rapid Rooters or Root riots, 3-4 weeks to get roots is ridiculous. With those you should on need 1-3 weeks max.


Well-Known Member
Usually i'm 70% success rate when cloning.

I take cuttings,
dip in root gel
spray with water
into dome
under cfl. in about 3 - 4 weeks i have roots.

so i decided to try and speed up rooting time. I bought a super seeder heating pad endorsed by some Ed Hume guy. Says it only rsises temp 10 deg.

All my clones now die!!! :-( they have moldy stems when I pull them from the jiffy plug.

WTF! I thought heat was supposed to be good for root growth.

Please help, any advice would be greatly appreciated!
The heat mat does work its the only thing giving you some success.Its just too wet in there . Dont saturate the jiffy when watered dont mist and 3-4 weeks is too long in that wet chamber, of course they are going to rot. 10-14 days is av time to complete cloning. And 70% isnt great either.
Thanks, I will have to try those, I've seen them but was told jiffy's were as good...but in my case obviously not!

Bendbrewer, SWEET!!! may I ask your method for taking clones? I'm struggling over here...
The heat mat does work its the only thing giving you some success.Its just too wet in there . Dont saturate the jiffy when watered dont mist and 3-4 weeks is too long in that wet chamber, of course they are going to rot. 10-14 days is av time to complete cloning. And 70% isnt great either.
So are you saying they need to come out of the dome after 10 -14 days regardless if they show roots?

When i prepare my jiffies i ring them out pretty dry, so i dont think thats the prob, but i mist 2x a day, so youre saying dont mist at all?


Well-Known Member
I use clonex and make about a gallon solution with it. (I think I use half what the bottle says.) I add 15 ml of Aquashiled to it and get the ph to 5.5ish. Soak the rapid rooters in this. Squeeze lightly dry before placing clones. I also find that I have to bore the hole in the rapid rooters a bit deeper.

I then take a solid tray and line the bottom of it with Perlite and soak it with some of the solution and put another tray to hold the rapid rooters in that one.

When I take my cuttings, I make a 45 degree cut then along the longer or back side of the stem, I 'peel' or 'scrape' some of the stem's outter layer off with my blade so that both sides of the stem have exposed material. Someone with a degree could tell you what that actually is.

I give it a few seconds dip in the clonex solution that I made, roll it around in rooting gel and place it in the rooter. I cut all the large leaves and leave them under T5s spraying them with ph 5.5ish water twice a day under a closed dome. Make sure the rooters stay damp not soaked and after 2 weeks start looking for roots.


PowerKush Clone Potted.jpg
The heat mat does work its the only thing giving you some success.Its just too wet in there . Dont saturate the jiffy when watered dont mist and 3-4 weeks is too long in that wet chamber, of course they are going to rot. 10-14 days is av time to complete cloning. And 70% isnt great either.
Hey Buds,

Thanks for the response. I was 70% before the heating pad, with the pad I'm 0%.

And they mold within 5 days under the pad where as without the pad I never had a mold prob. I always thought high humidity was good for them but maybe its too much with the heat?
I use clonex and make about a gallon solution with it. (I think I use half what the bottle says.) I add 15 ml of Aquashiled to it and get the ph to 5.5ish. Soak the rapid rooters in this. Squeeze lightly dry before placing clones. I also find that I have to bore the hole in the rapid rooters a bit deeper.

I then take a solid tray and line the bottom of it with Perlite and soak it with some of the solution and put another tray to hold the rapid rooters in that one.

When I take my cuttings, I make a 45 degree cut then along the longer or back side of the stem, I 'peel' or 'scrape' some of the stem's outter layer off with my blade so that both sides of the stem have exposed material. Someone with a degree could tell you what that actually is.

I give it a few seconds dip in the clonex solution that I made, roll it around in rooting gel and place it in the rooter. I cut all the large leaves and leave them under T5s spraying them with ph 5.5ish water twice a day under a closed dome. Make sure the rooters stay damp not soaked and after 2 weeks start looking for roots.


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Brewer, Thank you!!! I will try this way next time I take clones.