Help with curing... Advice needed

So I have about 12 mason jars.. I am using 62% packets in with them. They have been in there about 16 hours and they are all hovering around 50 - 54% humidity.

According to a thread I read on here, less than 55% is bad. I am hopeful if I leave them in there, they could go up slowly. HOWEVER, I am also told I should "burp" them with air once a day.. However when I do this, the humidity can drop again. Today was better cause the humidity was higher than in the jar.. So I was able to open them with no problem.

I am concerned though cause I am having a real hard time keeping them at 55% or above.. Have I ruined my buds?



Well-Known Member
Take a small hygrometer and put it in the jar. WITHOUT the bovida pack. Wait a day, see what it says. If it is over what % you want open the jars (depending on your climate humidity).

If it is indeed at 55% that’s probably fine. I bet with the lid on for a day or so the numbers will increase. Keep burping until it stabilizes.

How long did you dry for and what is the usual humidity in your area?


Well-Known Member
Burping a ton of jars can be a real pain in the ass and I always forget to. If you want to make your life easier then build some of these. I just built a 6 jar setup for my next harvest and can’t wait to try it out. It keeps the jars sealed am then auto burps them in times intervals. It’s worth mentioning that I have no idea why he drilled into the glass. I drilled into the metal caps, glued the one way valves in place from the inside, and mine seal up perfectly.
