Help with electric set up 3000+ watt grow room

Hi im new to growing, had a couple small closet indoor grows and understand the basics of growing. im getting ready to set up a grow room. i want to do a 3000 watt room with 3 1000 watt lamps. my question is how do i take care of not blowing by fuses or worse catch the house on fire. in the videos i seen on youtube all the grow rooms have a place on the wall with all this crazy elecric equiment that scares me by looking at it. explain someone to me what i need to have from this equipment and how easy is it to wire everything up.
most standard wall outlets are backed by 15 amp circuits, so you can only run one light per breaker. I installed a new 40 amp breaker in my garage and wired it to the room, then installed 4 outlets, 10AMP each. I have 4000w plugged in and a 40AMP GE timer in between the breaker and the outlets. cost less than 200$ - you can find plenty of diy online. however if you fuck up, you could burn your house down.
With 3000 watts you will need at least 4 seperate circuits to the room. 1 1000 light per 15 amp breaker. Then the fans pumps whatever on another 20 amp breaker.Make sure you plan for the costs also figure during veg with all running to add about $300 a month to your bill and about $120 during flower. Most grow room when you start doing multiple 1000 watters also add fire retardent equipt in case of a fire. Use the correct amp rated cords for the lights,use GFCI outlets to help keep fires or shorts down.
on your circuit panel not the wall outlet, find out how many amps are running to those outlets. many rooms will have one breaker for all those outlets. so if you have only one 15 amp breaker running that room, you will not be able to handle that much wattage. they also sell devices that will stagger the ignition time of the ballasts. since the majority of power consumption is used during the light start up if you have all the lights turning on at once, it can and usually trips the breaker. if you're not sure about the wiring of your room, it's probably best to not attempt a 3k run... when i first started i would trip a breaker by using the microwave since my bedroom and kitchen ran on the same circuit.
If your growing in a garage could u build a designated sub pannel for just the grow? But if you rent you can't really tak the sub pannel back out? I'd assm most land lords would be pissed, or you could just leave and say something like I needed it for my welder right? I want to do four 600 watters in a 8x8 tent so I'm assuming after fans and everything I'd be around 3000 watts?
This is what u need ... Have a 50-70 amp breaker installed in your home electric panel by an electrician with a stove outlet attached to it ... tell him its for your welder , then go see an other electrician and have him build you a long wire with proper gauge with a stove plug at one end and the other going to your sub panel . This way u can remove the wire as you wish ... And you don't need to have the electrician come to your home to make the sub panel .. READ a lil... your gonna find eny thing u need to know!
most standard wall outlets are backed by 15 amp circuits, so you can only run one light per breaker. I installed a new 40 amp breaker in my garage and wired it to the room, then installed 4 outlets, 10AMP each. I have 4000w plugged in and a 40AMP GE timer in between the breaker and the outlets. cost less than 200$ - you can find plenty of diy online. however if you fuck up, you could burn your house down.
120 or 240volt and did you use 10 gauge-2 or 10-3 wiring
I just had an electrician wire a 125 amp sub panel to my upstairs room for a room that will be running 3-4000 watts total cost me about 2 grand well worth the piece of mind that it was done right and I’ll have someone to blame if it wasn’t! Lol