help with electric

im currently using an extension cord to my back shed and it keeps popping my home circuit.
i have a 1000w switchable ballast by sunsystem and the a 6 inch vortex fan and a 4 inch circulating fan plugged into the extension cord which is pullged outside of my house..
now is there something i can do to stop the circuit from popping ??? maybe have to run wires to make its own plugs out in the shed ??? lemme know i need to finish this problem asap


Active Member
essentially you are overloading the one circuit try plugging it in somewhere else on your house. or you can have an electrician come and install a new slot, its not that expensive and they dont ask many questions because they do it all the time haha.


Active Member
How long is the extension cord? What gauge is the wire inside? If you have a 100 foot cord and small gauge wire your gonna pop some circuits.... Needs to be heavy gauge if running a long run.... Donutpunched


Active Member
How to figure your load: ( This is a ROUGH estimate )
Add up the amp rating on ALL electrical appliances, lamps, pumps etc.
For a rough estimate 100 watts = 1 amp
Check your circuit breaker for amp rating, usually 15 amp or 20 amp.
You want to figure that the MAXIMUM amount of amps that you wish to use on that circuit, it should be 80% of that figure.
This means that yoiur 1000 watt lamp is pushing around 10 amps by itself. Plus all the other gadjets add to this.

An extension cord can be deadly for this kind of use, as the greater the distance the more electrical resistance. If your extension cord is not rated as at least 12 gauge than you will have problems.

A 15 gauge circuit requires 12 gauge wire, a 20 amp circuit requires a 10 gauge wire. If running a long extension cord than go to the next size larger wire.

IF in doubt or confussed than CALL A PRO. Burning down your home to raise a little weed makes no sense. I see this happening all the time in Calif. as people with no electrical know how try to raise a forest in their spare bedroom. Insurance companies will not pay for the damage that results from an illegal operation. ( As the feds say it is illegal, thats good enough for the insurance companies)
How to figure your load: ( This is a ROUGH estimate )
Add up the amp rating on ALL electrical appliances, lamps, pumps etc.
For a rough estimate 100 watts = 1 amp
Check your circuit breaker for amp rating, usually 15 amp or 20 amp.
You want to figure that the MAXIMUM amount of amps that you wish to use on that circuit, it should be 80% of that figure.

thnx i appriciate the info and yea i had it running for bout twenty mins and it shut off lol than i plugged it back and took like ten mins and popped.. i guess ill just get some electric ran over there . thnx again
This means that yoiur 1000 watt lamp is pushing around 10 amps by itself. Plus all the other gadjets add to this.

An extension cord can be deadly for this kind of use, as the greater the distance the more electrical resistance. If your extension cord is not rated as at least 12 gauge than you will have problems.

A 15 gauge circuit requires 12 gauge wire, a 20 amp circuit requires a 10 gauge wire. If running a long extension cord than go to the next size larger wire.

companies will not pay for the damage that results from an illegal operation. ( As the feds say it is illegal, thats good enough for the insurance companies)
IF in doubt or confussed than CALL A PRO. Burning down your home to raise a little weed makes no sense. I see this happening all the time in Calif. as people with no electrical know how try to raise a forest in their spare bedroom. Insurance