Help with fertilizing


Well-Known Member
I've grown a few plants and both ended up getting some kind of deficiency.. prob caused by fertilizer. I'm on a budget so i used alaskan fish emulsion, mg all purpose and mg tomato bloom at the different stages. I know i prob overfertilized giving the plants too many nutes but i really don't understand how much of the actual solution to give them. Like do u give a cup of the mixed solution or what? How do u go about that? The label only tells me how much to mix but im pretty sure i don't water it a gallon everytime. Can someone explain this to me? And what is an EC Meter? Is there a cheap way to monitor the pH level of the soil? I'd appreciate the help.

Thanks guys


Active Member
To tell you the truth I would stay away from MG products, i've always had problems with them in the past. The MG Nitrogen rich nute is fine if you're on a budget and don't want to spend a lot of money on the vegging of the plants.
If you're on a budget the FoxFarm line up is always a good choice for flowering, and it's hard to mess up with there nute line.

You get out of it what you put in.


Well-Known Member
Yea im prob gonna do that. But i just don't get how much of the solution to actually give the plant every time i fertilize. Like a cup?


Well-Known Member
What soil mix? It helps to have a good one.. I use GO box after that. Sorry but I don't have knowledge of a mixed mash of nutes. Cheap soil tester are the paper ones at Home depot. As to how much it depends on the nutes. Nute, water, water, nute generally. Water til run off..wait to dry the soil a couple inches..then again.


Well-Known Member
Start with half the solution and see if your plant likes it, adjust as needed, an ec meter is the same as ppm only dirrerent scale.


Well-Known Member
That soil will work . Not the best or worst. But it has nutes..get fungus/bacteria growing in it. As DeeTee says..start low.


Well-Known Member
I have MG Organic Potting Mix with dolomite lime and perlite
That's a decent start, if that's what you have.
I have MG moisture control, MG perlite, and started feeding MG nutes when she was around 30 days I think, and never had burning problems, but in regards to your question, whether or not you use the whole gallon, the measurement stays the same.
For instance, 1 tsp/ gal, even if you only pour 2/3 gallon into your plant, still mix the same, but I don't see why not to use the while gallon, and have a bit of runoff.
Personally, I ALWAYS get some runoff, and do not let my mixed nutes sit for more than a day before using, and always mix fresh....
No leftovers.