Help with figuring out sex, or if its too early to tell...


Active Member
Hey everybody, Hopefully everybody's blazed up and ready to try and help :P

Alright well this plant, may have been started too late.. or maybe hasn't gotten direct sunlight for every hour of the day that it prolly should have. I just want you all to tell me if this could possibly be a female? I believe it is, but need second opinions.

This plant has been through it, I am surprised its lookin' as good as it does now but anyways, here are some pictures and I would like to know what you all think.. Male? Female? I apprechiate all the help :joint:



Well-Known Member
don't take my advice just yet, but to me it looks to be male
looks like it's startin to grow balls
and looks like a plant I murdered last week
it may be to early to tell, so give it sum time if its ur only plant


Active Member
don't take my advice just yet, but to me it looks to be male
looks like it's startin to grow balls
and looks like a plant I murdered last week
it may be to early to tell, so give it sum time if its ur only plant
thanks man, I was kinda curious about it too.. I sorta saw what could be pollen sacks, who knows. I will let it grow for another week max before I cut it just to be sure. I might have to make hash if it turns male though...


Well-Known Member
nice close up pics, i can not determine sex as of yet. however I do think you have spider mites. Look for bugs and webs. Those white spots on the leaves is dead give away.


Active Member
anything I should do about the spidermite problem? I see the damage now, didnt know it was from those bastards. Will I have to go Trailer Park Boys and get some ladybugs? lol


Well-Known Member
neem oil, mighty wash, or no pest strips all work well. do some research and finger out what is best for you.
not to be a downer but looks just like the male that got pulled from my room, i know its early but mine looked like that too then got balls. id pull that shit


Well-Known Member
If it's not in it's flowering cycle then it's impossible to tell. You won't know the gender until about 2 weeks into that. So you've probably got some time. Don't kill it there's no reason, especially if you don't have other plants. If anything you can let it get bigger. Make sure you know fore sure. And get more hash out of it.


I am with dont pull then! You have about 3 weeks till pollen starts droping. Give it some time and know 100%.