Help with first grow.


This is my first grow and I need some criticism and feedback.
I have 3 DH og clones and a g13 clone in 1 dwc 18gal bin and 3 DH og in the other. I have a 600w hps for flowering and 3 =100w cfl with a 4' 1tube fluro. 2011-02-10_22-53-52_741.jpg2011-02-10_22-53-52_741.jpg


Anything. If u c Im doing something wrong let me know what would be better.
I think I need more light..


Well-Known Member
looks like you need alot more lighting. if using cfls, id have at least 6 in that area. MH would be better tho
Anything. If u c Im doing something wrong let me know what would be better.
I think I need more light..
Hello friend. There are many different considerations to take into account when setting up a room. This can be overwhelming. Hope this information, which I wrote several years ago for an article, helps you decide on a suitable light source.

The plant needs light for its energy supply. Because we are talking about growing indoors, we will have to supply a light source. Normal lamps are less suitable for the job. A plant needs light of certain wavelengths, which are not or not present or strong enough in normal lamps. I recommend the use of type SON T lamps. They are suitable for both the growth stage, as well as the flowering stage. Ballast's are necessary for these lamps. Ballast's of 600 watts have the most favourable output of delivered light per watt. Depending on the variety I recommend to use between 400 and 800 watts per m2. With insufficient light the plant remains light-green in colour and becomes unnaturally thin and protracted. The buds will also remain smaller with insufficient light.

Saving on light is stealing from yourself!.

The efficiency of the lighting in the grow room can be strongly increased by covering your grow room with reflective materials. You could paint the walls with mat white paint or cover the walls with white plastic. Ensure that the room can be easily cleaned because spraying might pollute the walls quite a bit. Most sorts of your "favourite plants" remain in their vegetative (grow) state when the light cycle is maintained at 18 hours. Your "favourite plant" is a so called short day plant, in this we mean that the plant will start flowering when we shorten the light period. Plants are initiated into the flowering phase by shortening the day period to 12 hours on and 12 hours off per 24 hours. Your "favourite plants" that originate from the tropics do not react to changing day lengths but flower after a certain time. That is logical if you realise that a day in the tropics lasts approximately 12 hours the whole year round. The lamp must hang at a distance from the plants that will not cause any scorching of the leaves. This distance differs with the wattage of the lamp. We recommend a distance of: 400 Watt- 45 cm; 600 Watt- 85 cm; 1000 Watt- 105 cm. Don't hang the lamp any higher above the plants than necessary.

Hope this helps.​


Well-Known Member
i run a 400w and i dont even notice much of a difference in elec bill. not as significant of a difference as u might think.. air cooled is worth the extra money


What if I ran a 400w mh bulb in a 600w ballast? Would the power used be the same as if I used a 600? My area is small and I think it would b overkill..


Well-Known Member
overkill with light? not gonna happen. make sure the temps stay good and youll be fine. the temps get high, then yes overkill.


I put up the 600w hps up this morning, I don't have a mh bulb yet. Do u know anything about this strain?
I've been talking 2 people and the only thing I've heard is "its fuckin killah"...


The camera wasn't working because of the light.

600w hps is up. I already see a difference, im getting some white spots on the leaves of a few plants. Other than that they're looking good.