Help with foods in 3 weeks of 12/12

i be very greatful if some 1 could help me with my foods/nutes

i am in week 3 of flipin my plants 12/12

in the last 3 weeks i have only give them 2 feeds of ''veged nutes'' ''''HESI'' but i am now starting to see the buds form, would it be wise to start feeding them the flower foods now,

and would i be best to only use half strength and build up on the flower nute's , or do i go full strength

if you need any more info to help i be more than happy to give you the info


kind regards


Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Most nute products have you switch over when you start into flower (12/12). Definitely cut the nitrogen. If you look at your nutes the N-P-K (Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus) indicators the N should be at 0 (or near there) and the Potassium and Phosphorus should be increased as the flowering stage. So the answer is yes switch your nutes over and next time should do it sooner. I make sure my plants get some nitrogen for a week or so halfway through flowering.
Most nute products have you switch over when you start into flower (12/12). Definitely cut the nitrogen. If you look at your nutes the N-P-K (Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus) indicators the N should be at 0 (or near there) and the Potassium and Phosphorus should be increased as the flowering stage. So the answer is yes switch your nutes over and next time should do it sooner. I make sure my plants get some nitrogen for a week or so halfway through flowering.
thank you for that great reply ''' swisher swwet''

the reason i was using veg nutes in flwer was i was told that the first 2 weeeks they are still in ''''veg state''' and this last week it has been 3 water's ,

yeah the N-P-K IS 3+3+4 in my bloom so i should start with this at half strengh with added vits and fungi

then at the last 3/4 weeks start using

my phosphorus plus is P-K 7+5

ok thanks again for the helpful reply

kind regards

Bro, hit them with full strength. They are no longer babies so they can handle it.

Probably shoulda hit them with the flowering nutes soon as you hit the 12/12 cycle, although you cant physically see it. The plant is doing some serious work on the inside to start forming buds.

Some nutrient companies recommend a little of the veg nutes during flowering. Like 1-2tsp maybe once or twice during flowering, all depends on the what you got. The whole idea is to keep the nitrogen levels low though.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Don't baby them now your already a little behind (that's OK). I agree completely with Jorge Washington FULL STRENGTH you are not going to burn them as they should be real strong right now. Don't do more than your product recommends or you'll end up with another whole set of issue's