Help with Germinating and seedling... need help with Nuts too!.Thx!


Active Member
Hi everyone! i have so many doubts.. my english its not good.. but ill try..
i resently germinate some seed using the paper towel between two plates, and then when a little root sprout i put them in a rockwool, and one of the seed put it in soil( Peat moss-perlite-soil 1-1-1 an old compost that i never used).
i got a home made propagator, and put it below a CFL 65w(3900 lumens) .. at this point i would like to know if i am right, doing this?..(i heard some people put the rockwool in a dark place, but in a propagator im not shure)

well ..the seeds sprout out in the rockwool as well as in im kind of counfused about the care in this stage.. i just put them out of the propagator... under the same light (6- 8 inches in distance) , and maintain moist in rockwool, water .. am i ok doing this??
Some people say put nothing but water(ph 6) in almost all seedling stage.. some people say add this case i´ve read that a half strenght nutrient mix is ok.. but here is when it comes another doubt:
in the nutrient bottle instructions said in seedling add 1/4 tsp per gallon (1.25ml) 1-1-1.. but theres a famous flora series charts that says 2.5 ml per gallon.. my question is.. if i want to make a half strength mix.. i add the half of 1.25ml or 2.5ml?? maybe kind of stupid question but i dont want to over feed them.

By the way.. 4 days after.. 1 of 3 seedlings in rockwool survive.. but not as healthy as soil... soil seedling its bigger....
but that soil seedling is for an "12/12 from seedling"´s experiment... the other ones i wanted it for my DWC system.. that is the way that i want to grow..

i need to know what to do , or what you do guys in seedling stage ( care, nuts, place etc) and what to do when the root is ready and need to put in DWC...what mix of nutrients should i use once i put them in DWC?? mild, full?? Seedling or early grow?(Chart) or mild vegetative?? (Nutrient Bottle)

Thank you very much for read!! ill appreciate any help!!


Put nutes in at 200 ppm when u get first true leaves and ur probably watering ur rockwool to much
I agree with ringlead3r... I use the floranova line. I start with 0 ppm water and bump it up to about 200 ppm with the grow relatively shortly after they start sprouting. Be careful though... if you are using that particular series of nutrients, you have to do it gradually. It's pretty strong stuff (especially for a youngster). The recommended ppm is on the bottle. You could even play it safe and go a little lower than the recommended. When in doubt, under nute. Good luck.


Active Member
Thx for your answers i really appreciate..!! now i have some root in the bottom of the rockwool... the seedling have like two or 3 days.... should i put it in my DWC now?? if the answer is yes...i need to top off my res with nutrients at 200ppm first??



I am not very familiar with propagators, however roots still need to be handled the same way. Assuming that they are in rockwool plugs, you can just transfer them in the plugs into your baskets with something like coco pellets. You want to make sure to give the roots enough space below to grow some more. Eventually, they will break thru the pellets and basket and expose themselves to the aerating water which is the concept in that system. Now the ones in rockwool may not be looking very good if you didn't prep the plugs prior to putting the seeds in. That would create some stress on the them for sure. Prepping them simply involves soaking them for like 30 minutes (if they are the small plugs) or longer for larger cubes. You can include a root hormone or some grow solution in the water. Everyone has their preference... trust me there are several different techniques. As for the nutrients, you can just top off your res water regularly. Make sure you have a decent air pump and stone and make sure your water starts at 0 ppms prior to you adding anything to it. That ensures that your final ppm reading once the nutrients are added is accurate. Once you've added the Grow according to manufacturers specs, the PPM should be somewhere around 200 or 300 ppm. Lastly, test the pH after you've added any nutrients. 5.5 -6.0 is ideal. You can adjust it with pH up and pH down. I can't really think of anything else, but I'm sure someone else will be able to follow up for me :-) Good luck!


Active Member
Thankls for your answer!!. i already measured the ppm of the water that im using (Purified water). It have an initially 130ppm... how can i get water with 0 ppm??... Another doubt... for the first week ive been using half strenght of the bottle measurements (not the chart) that is like .62 ml per gallon.... and i want to change to Chart measurements... that is like 2.5 ml per gallon..(normal strength).. should i do it gradually?? maybe using half strength of the chart(1.25ml) ?? and which is the best way to do it?? because i dont know if somehow a could add more nutrients to the Res that im using now (.62 per gallon), only have one week..... or need to make a new nutrient mix and throw out the past one..

By the way...Also noticed that the ppm have been increase to 530.. in five days.

Thanks for your answers i really appreciate any help!!!!

Thanks again!



Active Member
Ur ppm water out the tap is 250 or below ur probably fine just add 200 ppm to that and don't let it go over 300 ppm until probably week 3 ur plant will tell u so try to stay at 340-400 ppm after u add ur nutes or ull notice burn


Active Member
Thanks!!!... im actually have arouns 500 ppm bout i know that im not over feeding ... the plants look good..ill upload a photo..

Im still have a doubt... how increase the nut strength??... need to make another mix or how you should do it??
heres photo of the bigger seedling..1st photo was taken 3 days ago... 2nd was taken today. the other photos is from my growbox

