help with germinating


Active Member
ive had some 15 seeds in a papper towel in a ziploc bagy in the dark for sevan days..ive herd that method i tried it and nuthin happen so i new about another one the papper towel in a dvd/cd case with seeds in it on comp/sumthing warm...and still i cant see any deffernce so are these methods good? or the seeds dead or kinda newb to all growing all coments are welcome


Well-Known Member
did u make sure u waterd the paper towl before u put it in the zip lock baggy when u put the seeds in there? idk wat i wrote cuz im baked sorry


Well-Known Member
Make sure they are kept around 28c.

Also as mentioned by someone else on this forum a good trick is to carefully split the seed on one side, just a little with a craft knife, it sometimes helps when I do it to seeds that havent germinated after a few days.


Well-Known Member
using Disstilled water will help make sure that the seeds germinate and I read that if you do use room temp distilled water aperintly your more likly to end up with female plants


Active Member
ya the papper towel isnt soaking wet but its damp..and i took the idea of spliting the sides but i was stoned and i opend the pointy end up...hope this dosnt hurt tha germinating..thx for all the coments any more advice would be helpfull so if these dont work i will know what to do :peace:

Weed Guy

Master Roller
The splitting seeds with a knife is VERY risky business, personally i wouldnt advise it. I suggest putting some sandpaper in a matchbox then putting the seeds in and shaking it but not to much.....This is ALOT less risky


Active Member
thx for the coment i will try that with a new batch of seeds...well i wanna know if i killed/messed em up...i wanna know if i split the pointy end open so the root thing could come out easly cuz its been like 8-9 days now and i just did yesterday ot today..and i wanna know if i should plant em and wish for the best or toss em...


Well-Known Member
ye splitting the seeds when stoned is advised lol. splitting them at all is rather risky as weed guy said. i'm a first time grower as well so i would leave seed splitting to the experienced growers. i germinated my seeds in a day, best way is to buy good seeds imo. higher percentage of success rate. also i used ordinary tap water but boiled it first to get rid of any impurities. then i let the water cool down a bit so the seeds would be wrapped in warmth. keep the seeds near a warmish area, 28 degrees C like someone said earlier is good. btw sorry i also used the paper towel method and it worked fine. hope some of it helped